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Showing posts from November, 2011

African Adventures, Day 50

Day 50! Wow... day 50..DAY 50?! That sounds long , ish. I woke up this morning and still did not feel well, I tried getting up on time, but..... huge headache whenever I stood! I stayed in my room until nearly lunch without food.. because I was just not hungry! Soon, my dad and mom were randomly knocking on my door. I wondered what they wanted and opened it to see them handing me a SHINY NEW MACHETE... Goal completed <3 BUT.. there was a catch!  I had to drink this green goop that would help my malaria in exchange.. I took the deal of course ;) I stayed in my room half the day.. then went out and chatted with ben for a bit. Church time quickly came but I didn't go and made Chai tea  and had to rest instead.. again!  My parents got home and by that time Ben was back over and we were.. of course, chillen searching and downloading MUSIC ! We did that for.. it seemed hours and soon it was near bed and was getting kinda sleepy! Maybe it's the drugs...?  I had to take 10 pills yes

A view of what I see in this world./Opinions

I really ponder to myself sometimes, thinking of how messed up our world is. How everyone has their own problems, and things they have done wrong. No matter who they are. I wonder what things would be like if... well it wasn't so corrupt?! 1.The thing that seems to be everywhere I look lately is people bringing each other down. There's been little  rants on Facebook from back home, and I wonder why they even feel the need to do these things. I wish people could actually think ... the person they may dislike the most HAS FEELINGS as well. I would never want to take part in any of these things, because they are useless, and really.. where does it get you in life, besides jail or some detention office for bullying or something? I think a lot of people just need to learn how to handle things a little differently. I'm not saying I haven't had any differences with some people, but I just think it would be better if they handled it without posting status' about how they

YOU GOT OUT OF THE VAN?! Whatchu doin' out there?

Since we have arrived we seemed to have had many tourists come pass by us and the orphanage. I do not have ANY problem with tourists minus... oh wait yeah, I guess I do. Actually, it rather irritates me that they can be some rude. (Of course not all, but just the ones I have seen here) There has been many times where tourists come to the orphanage, do not get out of the van  AT ALL or even speak a word, drop something off and leave. There was once a group who dropped some shiny pencils off, didn't even have enough for all the kids.. but they didn't even say a word or get outside of their cages. They just viewed the orphanage as a zoo, and the kids were the attraction area.  Do they think that will actually help at all? Obviously not.. A pencil will break, just like many of their hearts are already broken and need love. They need them to get out and give them a hug, or talk to them, play with them.. not some crazy pencil that shines in the sun.. and there is not enough for all,

African Adventures, Day 49

Day 49: Today was a long day... so it seemed. I MANAGED TO GET OUT OF BED.. HALLELUJAH. The only thing is.. I am not better, just a bit. Manageable enough to get out of bed today and not faint! We started with an early morning and since we have arrived we met a couple missionaries who live here who are originally from the U.S, and we were going to head in to the hills to visit them for lunch . Which meant we would have to leave early because.. well it's not far at all but the travelling is NOTHING like Canada.I decided, even though I feel like poo, I would go with them .. because I was too bored being a loner. After waiting a bit a Mattatu finally came. I got in the back.. *squeezed in the back, with some other people. Worst ride ever for a sick kid.. I think I must have a permanent dent in my head from the screw that was driving into my skull from sharing my seat with 4 others and hitting my head on the roof multiple times, oh the joys ;). We soon arrived in creepy town.. "

African Adventures, Day 48

Day 48 : It's now Sunday morning and.... it's bed for me. I'm in such pain and I just wish I could sleep through this all.. IT SUCKS<=. Stupid mosquito ..bullies me then takes my blood and replaces it with disease.. thanks a lot mosquito i'm in bed missing the fun music outside my window as of now. I can hear all of the church service hahaha but i'm just awaiting what will happen during the day.------------- Turns out I was in bed the rest of the day/night.....

African Adventures, Day 47

Day 47: It's now Saturday and  woke up this morning in complete pain and felt like.. a piece of poop. I hadn't been feeling well in the past days, but today it got even worse. Half of the day I just kind of stayed inside and helped mom out. The day seemed to pass quickly and the pain got worse. I decided maybe i'd stick it out and go to the village.. but when we got there I was regretting it. We headed back and I went to my room to lay down. We weren't too sure what was going on,, maybe I flu or something. I was sweating, had a hugeeee headache, joints hurting, everywhere HURTING, stomachache,nausea, and chills a bit.. we thought it couldn't possibly be.. malaria.. But after  a bit my dad had ran into the bishop and he called Evans , who called the doctor.. who came over with Evans! The doctor soon told me I have malaria and that I should take 4 pills a day plus probably some drugs to take some pain away and headaches.. so had  I taken 7 pills. HAH.. oh man.. I was

African Adventures, Day 45

Day 45: It's now Thursday and today was just a layed back day. Most of the day consumed of me practicing in my room my vocals and chillen with the kiddies! We went over to the orphanage next door and since the government gave us regulations we have to have before January we had to look them over through the buildings. We came back and saw a goat hanging from a tree! They had to kill it because it had broken it's hip from someone beating it. It's funny because yesterday I remember petting that goat and now it has a slit throat hanging from a  tree! The guy cut it up and gutted it and checked it and got the meat for the cook . The boys were so intrigued  too haha typical! We headed back and had some goat meat and Evans soon made us supper! He made some african dishes and also cooked some meat up. The rest of the evening we spent with Evans  hanging out and talking.

African Adventures, Day 44

Day 44: I woke up this morning and got ready because we would be going into Voi to go look around and get supplies as well. We headed out and got on a Mattatu. This had to be the first Mattatu I was on that wasn't full when I got on!! We sat in the back and picked up some people on the way. As we were stopped in Mwatate there was a man there.. he seemed to creep my parents and I out very much. The man kept staring at me . He stood outside my window very close  and stared at me. Since I was trying to ignore him he starting banging furiously on my window with some anger look in his eyes. Since I still did not look he did this a few times, then stuck his head inside the van. He just stared at me without saying anything. Since I still was ignoring him he went to my mom's window and did the same he did at mine, then back to my window and etc... after a bit my dad decided he would stare him down too. The creepy man finally went away. We were stopped in this area.. which was a kind of

African Adventures, Day 43

Day 43! This morning was a very quiet morning without the students. I didn't get to sleep in because  my friend I had met here called and wanted me to talk to his mom .. because she had never spoken to a canadian hahaha! ;)  We talked for a bit and soon I got up and got ready. I was unsure of what I would do today! As soon as I was ready I went out to the orphanage and played with the kids. After my parents and I decided we would go walk around. We walked down the road then ventured through the "junglie...woods" area. We didn't know where we were going but we just kept walking! We soon hit a little stand where some ladies were selling things  and we talked to them a bit.. Although they seemed very surprised and were laughing at us! hahaah In my mind i'm guessing they were thinking : " Where in the world did these 3 whities come from and what are they doing in the middle of nowhere..?! " We soon left their stand and tried to find our way back , which we d

African Adventures, Day 42

Day 42 ! Today is the day everyone leaves.. WOW!? They had gotten up so early and were very noisy.. so ii did  not sleep much. (They must have been packing) Our day was full of good-bye's and such and after everyone was gone things were very, vverrryyy quiet!! Again, our day consumed of just hanging around with the kids and paying with them. And little alli crying.. as soon as I picked him up he soothed and was just enduring it. He just needs someone to love him since his mother is dying in the hospital and there is no other. He is getting better gradually day by day but he is still very malnourished. I wish people from home could only see the needs..

African Adventures, Day 41

Day 41; Monday! It is now monday and today was just a regular day. Today I slept in a bit... AHH?As in like 9am hhaha! Half of the day was full of homework, while the other half was chillen with ben! And the rest.. well seeing the children :) Ben and I have been looking online for new equipment for his studio.. been though we don't have the money we have faith! Nothing much else to monday..

African Adventures, Day 40

Day 40 : Sunday has arrived and it's atypical Sunday afternoon. We started the morning off with the morning service. The service is a african one of course so it goes until like 1 or 2 pm.The service seemed to pass fairly fast and afterwards I was told I was going to be performing my new song with Ben in the village.. WHICH WE HAD NOT EVEN PRACTICED THE WHOLE SONG YET.. I was unsure of how it would go.! We then went to the studio , fixed it up then I ate and we headed down to the village. They had moved places (not at the normal stage) so dad and I looked around and soon found where everyone was. We walked over there and they had already started the music. Which soon enough I got pulled into dancing with Faiza (my new friend) and some others. They taught me hoe to dance AFRICAN STYLE ;) There was a huge fan group that seemed to follow me everywhere and this little tiny 2 year old kept following me everywhere holding my hand. (SO CUTE :) ) Soon enough it was time to perform with Ben

A view of both sides.

 Some people take a trip away somewhere, to some hotel or resort.. just to sit under a palm tree ..READING A BOOK. My dad and I realized this when we were in the pool. We looked around to see people just laying in the sun all around us. Almost every person here was a tourist.. who has never really been on the outside of the safe walls surrounding. It makes sense to us, if it's like their honey moon, or a date or something.. but just to sit under a tree and read, and not actually experience the african life and culture.. is nuts.They come all the way across the world..TO SIT UNDER A TREE.They can do that during summertime, why not experience crazy wild things.. have bad experiences and good ones! If they leave their comfort zone, it gives you more of a life and knowledge of what's REALLY going on. We had left a week, just because after a bit it can be overwhelming, with so many things going on.. riots, children who get to the heart, and the poverty.. We just needed to relax, and

African Adventures, Day 39

Day 39 : This morning was our last time  to eat a buffet and not have beans, so we enjoyed it! We woke up early this morning, and I was not wanting to leave the comfy bed ! hahah But I was very much ready to go home! I had already packed and dad and I had to get mom breakfast because she wasn't feeling well. We got it all served up and some waitress man wanted to bring it to our room for her so he did :) Very kind of him! She was surprised and pleased! We soon enough were all set to go out and waited for the van. It came up and picked us and our things up. We headed out and on the way picked up ben, then had to get a stove for the kitchen for the orphanage because they were cooking off of fires which is bad for their lungs. We waited there for awhile then got on the road! I hadn't realized I was so tired, and fell asleep for a bit of the ride, but it seemed to go fast! I woke up to Ben staring at me hahah! Trying to see if I was awake or not!  :p On our way back we had stopped

African Adventures, Day 38

Day 38 : Friday!! Ahh, only one  more night , then back to REALITY..!  We woken up early enough to eat, then go to the Nakumatt (Like Wal-Mart) and we spent half the day just getting supplies. By the time we finished it was noon! We had gone the days before into town to go shopping.. which really all of the same people led us to the same places.. and that didn't go so well, so we were glad to finally be done with supplies and the people trying to sell you stuff! We headed back to the hotel and went again to go eat . We sat around the pool and by the hammicks under the palm tress for a bit too. It would be our last night to have this kind of stuff for sure! hahah!! We enjoyed our time and we even did arobics in the pool... the dj pulled me into that one too.. Whatta guy! The day passed quickly  and it was now coffee time! hahaha I brought some hot chocolate back to our room and sat there while mom and dad had left to do something.. ( I had to dry our laundry). (It's weird to th

African Adventures, Day 37

Day 37, BAHARI BEACH <3Thursday was just a day of... swimming and chillllll.. not really because it's so hot though ! We woke up and ate and hung around the resort for half the day, by afternoon we decided we would enjoy a nice pizza... SO GOOD! We went to the restaurant in the rocks and the ground there is full of sand. It has the most beautiful view!  Haven't had pizza in a longggg time! So tasty ! We enjoyed our lunch then decided to go swimming in the ocean again. We walked along the beach then after headed back to the room.. then back to the pool! I made a kitty friend and it followed me to the room even!  We walked around more and we found these pretty flowers and stocked up on them ! They were filling out our room with the smell of like.. oranges ! MMM :)  We layed by the pool a bit and... I EVEN GOT A COCONUT BROUGHT TO ME by some guy! He even put a flower in it and carved it :) So tasty! I was excited because I had asked if I could pick them.. because i've been

African Adventures, Day 36

Day 36: First morning at the, buffet for breakfast with so many fresh fruits... OH MAN..  After breakfast we got ready, headed into town a bit, bought things that we can't get back in the village and headed back. After we got back we went swimming  in the pool for the first time, then into the indian ocean! We walked down the beach, and I got a wrap . We talked with some people and just hung out.  The weather was SO hot by now.. and the day seemed to go so fast! Swim, chill by pool, swim!  It got later and we ate dinner, hung out and then went back to the room! ahhhh, relaxing

African Adventures, Day 35

It was now Tuesday and we were all set to go to the beach with some lady that would be bringing us.. but turns out the plans changed!  We waited for a bit and some guy showed up at the door.. (Still not sure who he is) But he came with us around for the day.  We ate a bit then headed out! First stop would be some shops to actually get a bathing suit... !We got on a Mattatu and went into town. The day was already starting up SUPER hot and it was morning, perfect beach day! We went into the first store.. nothing fit. My body is too long for ANYTHING in there. And I'm not allowed wearing a two piece at the beach here. Next store, nothing.....3rd store... still nothing.. Last store, FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING. It had  gone on for a bit, and I was already sick of it and just wanted to go without a bathing suit at this point! We got on a Mattatu and headed to the beach! ( We were expecting this to be a private beach because that's what we were told we were going to).. turns out it was p

African Adventures, Day 34

Day 34 : It was now Monday morning and we were all pretty excited to get to Mombasa and see the beautiful view! We had our things packed and had gotten up early to go.We walked down the road to go catch a Mattatu and meet up with Ben at his house. We waited awhile in the hot sun and after a bit one came. We got on and from there headed to Voi.(Closest town where we would catch bus) On our way we picked up A LOT of people.. 32 I think in a 14 passenger van(mattatu)... wow.. "This would be SO illegal in Canada" I thought! The worst part about being here and driving everywhere is  mattatu is the squishyness and tight spaces! Along with the bumpy so called, "roads". I'm also getting used to not using  a seatbelt, because no one has them, uses them, or they don't even work. We drove for awhile on the beat up roads stopping to drop and pick up people. We dropped enough off to only have the seats filled because in the town the police will actually stop you. However

African Adventures, Day 32

African Adventures, Day 32: Today, I had set my alarm for the early morning. I guess I was pretty tired because I must have shut it off without realizing! I woke up to my mom saying "Chelsey time for the studio get up!!" I had forgotten Ben was coming in the morning to get me and I rolled out of bed, got ready and we headed over.  I stayed there until around 1:30pm then headed back to the house to make lunch! Ben had gone home  and then came back to eat. My parents had gone to town so I decided to bake a cake for my dad's birthday . When they came back it wasn't completely done, but the power had gone out so I didn't get to finish it.. I made icing for it and called it cake pudding because it tasted sooo good. (Haven't had chocolate in forever so cocoa tasted yummy..) Everyone seemed to enjoy that. The rest of the day consisted of going to the orphanage and chillen with the kiddies and such! Now the power is back on and it's actually.. tomorrow! I seem to

African Adventures, Day 31

African Adventures... ONE MONTH ALREADY SAY WHATTT??!?!? Today is my dad's birthday! Although it was such a relaxed day besides homework...! Not very much of a typical Canadian birthday! We  hung out with the little kids most of the day and played with them since the students were doing exams. We had church in the evening and then right after it started pouring ! I put my book in a plastic bag then ran to the  studio with Ben to make up our music to my song! We stayed there for hours and then the rain had stopped and we went back to my house. My parents were in a meeting so I had to head to my room for the night, chillen and talking to canadians! weoo :)

African Adventures, Day 30

African Adventures, Day 30! It's Been almost a month and today was just a regular day. Today was a layed back day. Dad and mom were sick.. and I mainly played piano and practiced my songs all day. It was such a relaxed day.. which was nice but, after a bit I got tired of sitting around! Too much homework for one day! Later in the day I walked down to the swamp (where part of my water is from and I had washed my hair with.. finding fishies in my water... weooo) ;) It's actually a swamp where people wash the dirt off..then drink it. So sad.. We hung out with the kids and played with them a bit and then back to the house!

African Adventures, Day 29

African Adventures , Day 29 Today was a very laid back day. I woke up early, and did homework and such. After lunch we went into town for a few hours browsing through the market, and the shops looking at material . We came back  and  I practiced my song for a few hours, while Ben was at the studio mixing. Not long after,we went over to the orphanage and hung out with the kids and the other students there. We talked for a bit then as we were talking one of the cows got loose and the kids were chasing it around the orphanage. After awhile we  went home since my parents weren't feeling well and relaxed a bit and have been doing dishes and laundry and stuff since. I have been recently talking to friends from home, and yah I miss them.. But others aren't so much acting like my friends anymore. They talk about me and think I am criticizing people by saying the truth in all of this and what is happening.  I wish they could see everything to realize i'm just speaking the truth. A

African Adventures, Day 28..(Aftermath)

African Adventures......Day 28: Finally after a LONG  night... I fell asleep around 3 and woke up at 5.I layed there for quite awhile longer..We f ound out a lot more details today. We have had our doors locked for most of the morning. We found out today that the police will be here for 2 more weeks until all exams are done and it will be their " Summer " break.The guys were brought into the police station overnight, brought back to write their exams and will be brought to jail later on.. and soon court. ______1______ who has been beaten and whipped last night got back from the hospital today and will be laying charges on the others. He had to to a write-up for the police along with some others, The police are taking in a bunch of boys and one girl. Once they get them to talk they will be taking more people in.  We went to the school and had seen some things burnt (bushes,cow pen) a bit. We had talked with Evans and I talked to some of the girls and guys involved in this all

African Adventures, Day 27:..Riots..

African Adventures, Day 27:             Today is one day that will always be stuck in my mind.. I started out the day with staying inside typing up the exams again for the teachers to give the students because today is exam day.After that we just ate then went into the village  to go to the technical school there. The lady who will be making my mother and I's dresses for my sisters wedding works there so she wanted to show us what they did.We went there and looked around at all the different rooms and parts.. and somehow people I have never met in my life know my name..? Maybe because I go to the village often and speak and sing, who knows! (Plus Chelsey (they spell it chelseA..) is a "football" *Soccer team there that everyone loves!) We looked around for a bit then went across the road to look in the market. We looked at some material , got  a soda and headed back to the orphanage. (The whole time a guy was following us.. ) and on our way stopped by the Bishop's h

African Adventures, Day 26

African Adventures, Day 26: It's now Sunday already, and I had church this morning! It is so wild..! When Evans was up speaking it was sort of amusing though ;) Little did he realize that on the back of his nice fancy suit  was a cockroach just chillen! The guy beside him knocked it of and stepped on it and acted as if it was perfectly normal! Because here it is! I still have so many exams to type up for the teachers for tomorrow.. I don't know how I will do it! Ben came over earlier and we practiced our vocals.. Mainly I did anyways ahah ;) I have a very good teacher! He will be coming to Canada in April ad we are singing at my sisters wedding as well! I practiced again with Ben and the rest of the day I spent doing the papers....WHICH TURNS OUT I DON'T NEED TO ANYMORE AND NO ONE TOLD ME.. hahah wonderful! Whatta day!

African Adventures, Day 25

African Adventures, Day 25: It's hard to believe I have been gone nearly a month!.. And I have barely talked to some people from home :/ wow!  Today is Saturday and and today is a lazy day! <-- hahah! Not really. I have to type up A LOT of exams for the teachers to give to the students on Monday! I stayed in my room half the morning then after awhile I came out of my room and practiced with Ben our song. We got the chorus down and I gave him the lyrics I wrote for the verses. We practiced for some time then we headed into the village to get a few things. After we came back we ate and it was back to the papers for me! Ben helped a bit and we practiced some more. It got late fast and the day seemed to go by with all the work I have!

African Adventures, Day 24

 Africa Adventures, Day 24  I woke up in the morning realizing... I SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT AND ONLY WOKE UP ONCE! We now have a night gaurd ad he seemed to do suchhh a good job! I rarely sleep through the night anymore!      Today is our first day without the group! It feels like home now .. but we miss the company!  I woke up early to go to my last day of agriculture class! We got our things and went over  and took notes . After we finished our notes we went outside and looked around at all kind sof plants and he showed us all the good plants and bad. (Ambros is the man who came down to teach us,  what a nice man ) :) After he taught us I went back to the house and Sophie had all the exam papers from every teacher at heartbeat and I would start typing them up for the teachers and have them  for monday.. boys oh boys ! I typed a few up and stayed up late doing so!

African Adventures,Day 23

African Adventures, Day 23! Today is the day the team goes home and we move into different rooms.. finally getting settled!We have all of our things still packed! We left the orphanage around 8 or 9 and left to go to the lodge.(They would be flying out of there) We got everything packed on a huge bus and were off! On our way we had seen a HUGE pack of elephants .. they were everywhere! We soon arrived at the lodge and we all just hug out for awhile. The lodge is huge and so beautiful! There is a big garden and a pool where you can look out and watch the elephants drink water.. But we won't be staying there ;) My parents are here without pay, so we don't that kind of money ! We waited around until lunchtime then we went in for "The last supper".. or lunch! We had a buffet.. which I was happy because I have had so much of the same foods this was like ....MMM..! :)  We talked and had a good time but the time came closer for the plane to come and we had to go outside and

African Adventures, Day 22

African Adventures, Day 22 Today was the day we built a compost for our new gardening area. We were piling things in a 5 by 5 area on top of each other. The components consisted of dry materials,wet, bulky, and soil. We first pu bulky on the bottom, then dry, then wet and then soil. We did this until it reached 5 feet high.First on the very bottom we put 6" bulky, then I would put 6" dry , the others would put 3" wet, and then 1" soil. After we got to the right height we put a stick in it. As soon as it softens and is ready the compost pile will go down to 3 feet. Most of the day consisted of gardening and such.. and major sunburns! Ow... sunscreen is wonderful ! Later on in the day Ben and I practiced the chorus to our new song and the day passed quickly!

African Adventures, Day 21

African Adventures, Day 21 I am starting to miss home more now. Although, now that I am here..I realize how much I have changed. I don't even know who my friends are anymore.. They don't contact me much, and I don't contact them so much either because I don't have much time. It seems the people I least expect to be close friends with I am starting to be closer to. I kind of feel as if I am alone in this whole journey because no one understands how different Africa is from home.( I have made friends here of course, but I am not sure  if I will be able to contact them in Canada)Many people who haven't been here  don't understand how much need there is to help, and how bad the poverty and drought is. We don't have water still..and it makes me saddened to see them thirst, but have to drink swamp water. Some people back home on my Facebook I see complain, and act all tough and or wine about something.. And it bugs me so much. They don't have a clue.. I know