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YOU GOT OUT OF THE VAN?! Whatchu doin' out there?

Since we have arrived we seemed to have had many tourists come pass by us and the orphanage. I do not have ANY problem with tourists minus... oh wait yeah, I guess I do. Actually, it rather irritates me that they can be some rude. (Of course not all, but just the ones I have seen here) There has been many times where tourists come to the orphanage, do not get out of the van  AT ALL or even speak a word, drop something off and leave. There was once a group who dropped some shiny pencils off, didn't even have enough for all the kids.. but they didn't even say a word or get outside of their cages. They just viewed the orphanage as a zoo, and the kids were the attraction area.  Do they think that will actually help at all? Obviously not.. A pencil will break, just like many of their hearts are already broken and need love. They need them to get out and give them a hug, or talk to them, play with them.. not some crazy pencil that shines in the sun.. and there is not enough for all, so we have to find something for the others! I wouldn't be so upset about it if the tourists would atleast say a word to the kids or us and try and be kind.There has been other times where we have had multiple vans of tourists pass us by while we are walking to/from the village with some of the kids. The looks on their faces are as if they are thinking " WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE OF THE VAN?. Are you crazy!?!?! They could bite! They're dirty, what are you thinking!?".. The looks on their faces describe some kind of shock.. like a turtle started doing cartwheels. They give us expressions of disgust and disapproval. As of yesterday, there was multiple vans that had passed us by, taking pictures like we were in a zoo and we are the rare species among the others. We were standing on the side of the road and van full of white people pass us by and take their cameras out in a poor village taking pictures of it as if it's a joke. I know I should not be taking certain people's actions and thinking everyone does the same, because that is not true. I just wish they could realize this is not some show, with animals there being watched closely. Many people have passed by and handed out candy to the kids, not realizing that they are setting a look on white people. We have had many kids look at us as if we are candy bars due to those tourists.. I even had one kid say this ;)- The kids : sweets! sweets!
-Me: We don't have any, hapana.(No) -  Mom (Jokingly) : Chelsey is sweet do you want her? -The kids : YES! ....  I dunno, if tourists wanna try and help an orphanage or organization why don't they talk to the people? Why don't they give something other than candy out and PENCILS, and speak words of kindness, chat with the kids. Why don't they SPEND TIME WITH THE KIDS? Why don't they decide to get out of their little cages, get dirty, and put some heart into it? Only if they want to help..Not act as if these people are animals, because they have hearts too, and many are broken.


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