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African Adventures, Day 43

Day 43! This morning was a very quiet morning without the students. I didn't get to sleep in because  my friend I had met here called and wanted me to talk to his mom .. because she had never spoken to a canadian hahaha! ;)  We talked for a bit and soon I got up and got ready. I was unsure of what I would do today! As soon as I was ready I went out to the orphanage and played with the kids. After my parents and I decided we would go walk around. We walked down the road then ventured through the "junglie...woods" area. We didn't know where we were going but we just kept walking! We soon hit a little stand where some ladies were selling things  and we talked to them a bit.. Although they seemed very surprised and were laughing at us! hahaah In my mind i'm guessing they were thinking : " Where in the world did these 3 whities come from and what are they doing in the middle of nowhere..?! " We soon left their stand and tried to find our way back , which we did! And we then went across the road to look at the new hospital they are building. (It seems everywhere we look people who haven't seen us are shocked as to having some mzungu's (whities) in the middle of nowhere. We walked around inside the new "hospital" and then walked across the road to the orphanage. After we finished some things up inside dad had found a machete in the back room.. man was I ever excited! He sharpened it up and mom and I went outside so I could go cut stuff down. As we were walking out back in the garden (where the mango trees, orange trees, and avocado trees are) we had found a nice fancy (seemed like) walking stick. But it was under the avocado tree?... I threw it up and it hit an avocado and it fell down. (I totally felt ninja) We are thinking someone must be sneaking on our property to knock down things with the stick and sell them in the town because we found holes in the fence.. so i took this stick with me and the machete and we cut some thorns out and filled in the holes in the fencing. After we did that we walked ALL around the orchard looking at the trees, seeing if they were ripe, looking for holes in the fence and such! After we walked around the orchard we went back and decided we wanted an early night with no visitors.. (Usually everynight we have people coming in until late) so we locked ourselves in and enjoyed the peace :).. for now


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