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A view of what I see in this world./Opinions

I really ponder to myself sometimes, thinking of how messed up our world is. How everyone has their own problems, and things they have done wrong. No matter who they are. I wonder what things would be like if... well it wasn't so corrupt?!
1.The thing that seems to be everywhere I look lately is people bringing each other down. There's been little  rants on Facebook from back home, and I wonder why they even feel the need to do these things. I wish people could actually think ... the person they may dislike the most HAS FEELINGS as well. I would never want to take part in any of these things, because they are useless, and really.. where does it get you in life, besides jail or some detention office for bullying or something? I think a lot of people just need to learn how to handle things a little differently. I'm not saying I haven't had any differences with some people, but I just think it would be better if they handled it without posting status' about how they hate them and their rotten attitudes. I do not dislike anyone much, because there's really no point. If you get to know the people they actually are very kind. No one wants to know someone else's business that much, and no one wants to hear rants of someone being rude to another person because of a misunderstanding.
2. Another thing is of how some people seem to have two sides. I'm not saying two  faced or whatever they call it. I mean, they act a certain way with you, and a different way with other friends. I'm not a huge fan of people doing that. Wanna know why? Well, first of all because they aren't being theirselves. That is what this world has seemed to put out of people. It seems like many people try and please others, but aren't being who they truly are, and not doing what they want to do because of someone else disagreeing. In my mind, you should be WHO YOU ARE inside and out, and if your friends don't like your true self, then they aren't your real friends. You should do what you want to do, because if someone discourages you, who cares. You are doing your dreams, not theirs! If someone doesn't like your looks.. DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT? Everyone is beautiful, and i'm not just saying that. The world has put a cover on what most say is beautiful, but the truth is, every person was made perfectly and look so good by just being them. I have noticed since I have arrived on how I have seen the true beauty of people, the true characters of them, and I encourage their dreams, because I know how it feels to have them put down constantly. YOU SHOW THEM. No one expected me to be in Africa my 11' year? But did I get here...? YOU BETCHA BUNKINS I DID ;) . Did we have the finances to get here? Nope, but we had believed it would come, and for the most part it has! Did I ever expect to be doing my dream and recording in a studio the music in my heart? Nope! But i'm doing it. Don't ever let the world take you down. I wish this whole world would see that they should be who they want to be not who the world does. Multiple times, I have been put down, and every time i'm back at it, because I know society tries to do these things to you.. and we've lost many people because of it. I've realized who my friends are, and even if they don't seem that close to me.. I know they are true, and will actually be there for me. I've had so many people tell me I can't do it, I can't do what my dreams are, but really.. in their face! I KNOW I can. 
3. If only people would realize what they are doing to theirselves, and others. They hurts their bodies, and that hurts the hearts of the ones around them just to see them in pain. There's been so many people who have  just hurt themselves because of other people.. I know what they feel like and all.. But it's not worth it. People who are cruel aren't worth your pain. They do mean a lot, but if they treat you bad, ditch them. And don't wait until high-school is over to ditch the friends who you know aren't true, just gradually step away from the negative people and go to the people you can be yourself with. I have realized that I have changed so much that my viewpoint on  people is different.. I guess I just have more compassion for some people who are bullies.. because I know they are just hurt people! I also have seen a lot of things that have changed my views o.. well, everything!?  There's been times where I forgive someone who has hurt me over and over and OVER, and really yeah I should forgive them.. but I realize now I should have let them go awhile ago, because it just causes me stress. Don't ever hurt yourself because of someone screwing up in your life and hurting  you.... forgive them, and don't take it out on yourself because no one deserves any less than beautiful. No one deserves the words people can seem to spit out at each other everywhere. No one deserves to be critizes because of looks, personality, beliefs, etc.. No one should be put down because of anything, NO ONE deserves the poop the world has now. And  NO ONE is perfect or better than anyone. --- Just some of my viewpoint of what I am seeing.


  1. Chelsey, you have a beautiful personality. The more I read from you, the more I appreciate life. I can't tell you enough how much you are becoming one of my hero's. We have to hang out when you get back, because you are the kind of person I want to have in my life.

  2. I can't say how honoured I am to know you :) This really made me smile ! We WILL hang out! For sure! Because I can tell that we would really understand each other well, and that you really are so thankful for everything ! Thanks for being interested in my blog! :D


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