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African Adventures, Day 50

Day 50! Wow... day 50..DAY 50?! That sounds long , ish. I woke up this morning and still did not feel well, I tried getting up on time, but..... huge headache whenever I stood! I stayed in my room until nearly lunch without food.. because I was just not hungry! Soon, my dad and mom were randomly knocking on my door. I wondered what they wanted and opened it to see them handing me a SHINY NEW MACHETE... Goal completed <3 BUT.. there was a catch!  I had to drink this green goop that would help my malaria in exchange.. I took the deal of course ;) I stayed in my room half the day.. then went out and chatted with ben for a bit. Church time quickly came but I didn't go and made Chai tea  and had to rest instead.. again!  My parents got home and by that time Ben was back over and we were.. of course, chillen searching and downloading MUSIC ! We did that for.. it seemed hours and soon it was near bed and was getting kinda sleepy! Maybe it's the drugs...?  I had to take 10 pills yesterday!  I feel much better now.. although not completely I am getting there! Ben soon wants to bring me to the hills when I get better to see the schools on a motorcycle.. YESSSSS! I'm in! I'm taking down this malaria and hopefully will get checked in my blood.. and be ready and working again soon!


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