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African Adventures, Day 37

Day 37, BAHARI BEACH <3Thursday was just a day of... swimming and chillllll.. not really because it's so hot though ! We woke up and ate and hung around the resort for half the day, by afternoon we decided we would enjoy a nice pizza... SO GOOD! We went to the restaurant in the rocks and the ground there is full of sand. It has the most beautiful view!  Haven't had pizza in a longggg time! So tasty ! We enjoyed our lunch then decided to go swimming in the ocean again. We walked along the beach then after headed back to the room.. then back to the pool! I made a kitty friend and it followed me to the room even!  We walked around more and we found these pretty flowers and stocked up on them ! They were filling out our room with the smell of like.. oranges ! MMM :)  We layed by the pool a bit and... I EVEN GOT A COCONUT BROUGHT TO ME by some guy! He even put a flower in it and carved it :) So tasty! I was excited because I had asked if I could pick them.. because i've been wanting to >:) So tempting!  I ate it all, and was So full...  Later on mom and I wen to the spa, and turns out when dad went to get the money from the safe to pay he didn't know the code, only I did. I had put it in fast though... and left the safe open  a bit and we got locked out.(That's the long story short). We went to get the key from the manager to unlock the safe, but turns out her assistant manager had the keys to her office and the safe keys were in there and she was locked out.. but he was at a class and wouldn't be back until that night.. and we still had to pay. (Shortened up, the manager payed the spa and when she got the keys, i got the safe open and payed her)... wow the clumsy me is at it again.. embarrassing! hahahaha...
 Later that night we had dinner (had to change because it's fancy and you cant' wear shorts inside there for some reason?..) And ate ! We decided that night that we would not leave Friday, but leave Saturday instead because we needed another day to get more supplies for the orphanage. We had one more night.. YES! The performance of the acrobats was Thursday night and we watched them do all SORTS of things.. SO cool!  They sort of reminded me of cheerleading back home when they stunted hahahahaha oh the good days <3 Soon enough we went back and ...sleep time!


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