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African Adventures, Day 47

Day 47: It's now Saturday and  woke up this morning in complete pain and felt like.. a piece of poop. I hadn't been feeling well in the past days, but today it got even worse. Half of the day I just kind of stayed inside and helped mom out. The day seemed to pass quickly and the pain got worse. I decided maybe i'd stick it out and go to the village.. but when we got there I was regretting it. We headed back and I went to my room to lay down. We weren't too sure what was going on,, maybe I flu or something. I was sweating, had a hugeeee headache, joints hurting, everywhere HURTING, stomachache,nausea, and chills a bit.. we thought it couldn't possibly be.. malaria.. But after  a bit my dad had ran into the bishop and he called Evans , who called the doctor.. who came over with Evans!
The doctor soon told me I have malaria and that I should take 4 pills a day plus probably some drugs to take some pain away and headaches.. so had  I taken 7 pills. HAH.. oh man.. I was some tired! THIS SUCKS SO BAD..


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