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African Adventures, Day 28..(Aftermath)

African Adventures......Day 28:
Finally after a LONG  night... I fell asleep around 3 and woke up at 5.I layed there for quite awhile longer..We found out a lot more details today. We have had our doors locked for most of the morning. We found out today that the police will be here for 2 more weeks until all exams are done and it will be their " Summer " break.The guys were brought into the police station overnight, brought back to write their exams and will be brought to jail later on.. and soon court. ______1______ who has been beaten and whipped last night got back from the hospital today and will be laying charges on the others. He had to to a write-up for the police along with some others, The police are taking in a bunch of boys and one girl. Once they get them to talk they will be taking more people in.  We went to the school and had seen some things burnt (bushes,cow pen) a bit. We had talked with Evans and I talked to some of the girls and guys involved in this all.... I didn't realize until after. Things are being settled out more now and there is an investigation going on. We found out that a tiny part of the screaming last night was due to one girl forcefully stealing from others along with them seeing the fire... We have had so many things to deal with I can't write it all.  

             Apart from this whole riot stuff we did have one good thing happen! We had some food donated by the government! And this morning we did have a good laugh ;).. I was in my room and I heard noises from outside. I  thought it was the people who have been taking water from the tanks outside lately, but  I looked out to see 4 goats licking the taps. They had pulled their ropes off of the trees they were tied to and were running loose! Oh yay more adventures ! I told my mom and went to grab them but they ran through some bushes and through a fence by prickled bushes.. I chased after them with my mom and I slipped through the small whole in the fence. I grabbed their ropes and  finally caught them. I then realized I was wearing a white shirt , I was full of red dirt and had spilt something on it.. Great! As we brought them back people were laughing and I was greeted by a police guy.. which then he had to shake my dirty red hands that smelt like goat. Dandy! As we were going to head back my mom and I realized that we had locked ourselves out. We had to then walk back and go all the way around. We found a path... (which later on we realized the path and whole in the fence was most likely part of the plot) and we got back. I had to then wash my clothes with some dirty water(we don't have running water) and then left to go talk to some of the students.. I still have half the day left and REALLY.. I have no clue what will happen now.
   It is now night time and my recent update is : We had to go to church for later in the day and when we got there everyone was SO quiet.. Probably thinking of everything that happened last night. The form 4's did not come to the service because most of them were in trouble. We had found even MORE details out and I finally get it..! I can't exactly say everything for the sake of personal issues on a web page, but it turns out there was a girl who was a leader of the girls of form 4 and was also in on the riot. She forcefully stole some things from others and such and planned on hurting ____2______ and getting everyone against him while he would be helping out the other guy. Last night there was girls fainting, falling and bruised up from being so frightened.  They had brought the girl in as well with the guys . There were a bunch of ring leaders and had planned to blame this guy _____1______ on stealing calculators (which is actually a cover p because he had caught them trying to sneak out and they wanted revenge) and (here they beat people who steal most of the time) but ______1______ is not that kind of guy. All of the form 3's , 2's and 1's knew that  too. The form 4's planned on getting all of the grades in on this fight against that one guy, which the ____2______ guy would go and try and help him out and fight back and he would get killed/hurt too. The thing is... THIS COMPLETELY TURNED ON THE FORM 4'S ..ha!!! The form 1,2&3's turned on the form 4's and were helping out ____1_____, and ____2_____ was organizing everything anyways.  They did not expect this at all. The bad part is if the form 4's riot and do all of this they can't be expelled during exams because they are graduating.. so we can't stop them from not passing. So last week there was a small fight, and they targeted one guy and the principal had to send him home for his safety since they can't expel the form 4's. Now, since they did assault this guy and MANY others and the police were involved and  they had started a riot, they have to be brought instead they have been brought to court. There are SOSO many details to this all and if only I could write it all down it would be less confusing! But after today people telling me details and stories, I have put it all together  and I atleast get it!


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