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African Adventures, Day 49

Day 49:
Today was a long day... so it seemed.
The only thing is.. I am not better, just a bit. Manageable enough to get out of bed today and not faint! We started with an early morning and since we have arrived we met a couple missionaries who live here who are originally from the U.S, and we were going to head in to the hills to visit them for lunch . Which meant we would have to leave early because.. well it's not far at all but the travelling is NOTHING like Canada.I decided, even though I feel like poo, I would go with them .. because I was too bored being a loner. After waiting a bit a Mattatu finally came. I got in the back.. *squeezed in the back, with some other people. Worst ride ever for a sick kid.. I think I must have a permanent dent in my head from the screw that was driving into my skull from sharing my seat with 4 others and hitting my head on the roof multiple times, oh the joys ;). We soon arrived in creepy town.. "Mwatate" ( I call it creepy town because there is a lot of people there who seem to stare us down like they want to beat us or other things, so I do not enjoy being there much.) So we quickly got on another Mattatu and headed up for the hills.. I find it pretty comical how the so called "Roads" are worse than off the side of the road where most people try and drive. Also, I realized many africans must be good at obstical courses because they have to avoid MANYMANYMANY pot holes that are very deep and dangerous. The ride up was bumpy and hot, and my hair whipping me in the face did not help much!
We got out at John And Kim's (The americans) and went up to their place. We spent our time chatting with them about various things and soon ate. We had this soup and chapotes .. THAT WERE WAY BETTER THAN THE VILLAGE STUFF.. and ... chocolate... I haven't had that in FOREVER <3  We kept talking for a very long time, and soon we decided it would be ebst to be back before dark, because after dark who knows WHAT would happen.(Mom and I weren't feeling well anyways)
We caught a filled up Mattatu on the way back too, and soon waited in creepyville for another one. As we were about to leave I heard my name "Chelsey!" I was so confused and didn't know who it was.. because a lot of people know me as the white blondie named Chelsey, but I turned and saw a student from the highschool! He got on our Mattatu because he was working it, and squeezed in with us until we got to Bura. Once we arrived in Bura we decided we would escape and lock all our doors because we needed rest, I needed to lay down because of the malaria, and mom's neck of course.. so it's been a visit free night.. HOPEFULLY A LESS SICK DAY TOMORROW..


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