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African Adventures, Day 27:..Riots..

African Adventures, Day 27:
            Today is one day that will always be stuck in my mind..
I started out the day with staying inside typing up the exams again for the teachers to give the students because today is exam day.After that we just ate then went into the village  to go to the technical school there. The lady who will be making my mother and I's dresses for my sisters wedding works there so she wanted to show us what they did.We went there and looked around at all the different rooms and parts.. and somehow people I have never met in my life know my name..? Maybe because I go to the village often and speak and sing, who knows! (Plus Chelsey (they spell it chelseA..) is a "football" *Soccer team there that everyone loves!) We looked around for a bit then went across the road to look in the market. We looked at some material , got  a soda and headed back to the orphanage. (The whole time a guy was following us.. ) and on our way stopped by the Bishop's house to talk to him. We then got back to the orphanage and talked to some of the little children for a bit. Ironically.. I had said "Oh it's funny, we haven't lost power yet, and Nairobi has .. but we're in the middle of nowhere? :o" RIGHT after I said that the power went out.. It wasn't too dark yet but we lit some candles and got our flashlights ready.After, I typed more and then Ben came over and we practiced and practiced our new song for some time.Meanwhile, my dad was in the garden with some guys and had just finished up planting some more beds. He had let them  wash off with some water from the tanks outside and he came in. We had stopped for a bit and were just talking when all of a sudden we heard girls screaming. At first I thought it was the guys starting something up and joking with the girls.. but Ben knew immediately and had ditched his shoes and ran as fast as he could out the door....!(It's true that Kenyans run fast ;) ).
                      My dad had ran after him and they went through the door to the other side (where the school and orphanage is just right there). There was something going on for sure. By now, it was getting darker and we knew this was nothing ordinary. My mom and I went out the door after them. We noticed 3 guys standing at the door and we were about to go to the orphanage on the other side when they were telling us "No!! You can't go over there, they will hit you." .. "You are not safe, no ,no you have to stay here!"  We had asked them what was happening and we were told that there was a riot going on. I was just on the other side a bit and had seen people hitting others. There was a fire set to the bushes and wood overtop of the barn for the cows.One guy had a whip. My mom immediately was upset because Ben, my Dad and Dickson were in there in the middle of it.We thought he could be hurt.. and we wanted to go in after him, but for our safety the boys would not want us . She was getting more nervous, and we didn't know where he was and if he was getting hit or not too. Awhile after he came back and locked the first door and we made sure we locked ourselves along with the boys in our house. We looked behind us  and saw people running everywhere, hiding in bushes, going through the garden. Out from the other side of the door there was someone furiously banging on the door. We thought they were going to knock it down and kill us all..
          We ran inside our house and took the 3 guys with us because they would get beaten too. We locked every door and closed the curtains. We were now sitting in candle light with 3 guys and they were all terrified along with us. They had told us that nothing like this has ever happened before.. and if it has, not this bad. We had the candles on and the boys did not say much and stared into them.. you could tell they were scared. We asked them what was happening.. and I was told but didn't quite understand until about 4 hours later when everything calmed.. But it hadn't for a long while!
              As we sat there we heard screaming, a bowl was smashed outside our door. People yelling.. everything was loud. We were all just sitting quietly for hours, and it was more quiet now. We decided to check it out and all went outside. I went on the other side of the fence and there was police there and a huge group of people. We were told we could not take the boys we had over, or else they would be beaten too along with a group of them we had picked up a boy who was hidden outside of our house and dropped one boy off because he was safe. We brought them back in our  house and waited a long time in silence. After a bit Evans came in with the police and another guy and said that the boys were safe. He came in with a torn up shirt, because he had been in it all throwing people off of the innocent ones. Our guard came by with multiple weapons he had to forcefully take away from people. On the ground was a bunch of hoes we had to bring along with a machete so no one would die....We made sure they were picked up so no one would take them.

                     After the guys left we all sat around for some time.... it was now 11 at night and the riot had started around 7. We didn't know what to say. We didn't want to sleep.. because we couldn't and we were still clueless of why this happened. Bishop Dickson soon showed up at our door and told us .... A group of boys had cut holes in a fence and in the earlier days we had caught them trying to sneak in the guardhouse and they had lit a fire in there.. The guys in form 4 (which would be grade 12) had planned to sneak out at night and take some girls with them. My friend ____1_______had found this out and told them they shouldn't do that and that they should go back to bed. They were upset with him/her and plotted... They wanted to kill him/her. (Yes.. this is not Canada). .I cannot tell much more details. But some girls and guys had plotted that in all of this they were going to try and loor __________2______ in and they would be trying to help this other person _____1______, then they would kill him/her too.(This whole plan did not turn out) and today, since the power was out was the day they would choose to do this.
              In the end Dickson had made sure form 1 , 2 and 3 were evacuated and the children were in a room. But before they were all evacuated the form 3 ,2 and 1 were not happy and sick of the form 4's starting things and the riot was nuts. Kids running everywhere ..... AHHH... . He came to inform us there was now police surrounding the area and they were trying to catch all culperates and planners of it all. (They had this all planned the whole time) There was still people missing who had run out since they were scared or had been in on the whole plan. The police along with our night guard would be keeping their eyes out. Nearly all except a few of the students and kids were inside . The people who had planned this were being brought into the police station. Evans had went to town and took them with him. It turns out_______1_______ was whipped and beaten but the other forms tried to help him and so did Evans. He was sent to the hospital and some others were hit but not too too bad.
     After we received more details and calls  and the power was still out, we had no water still.(I had put out a plea on facebook but someone from the ministry had told me to take it down because it was worrying people in Canada. After all of the things that had happened that was obviously the least of my worries.)We had decided to lock up again and since we could not sleep we sat around for awhile... After a bit I got ready for bed then layed there for hours... Things had made me un-able to sleep so.. I just played some games on my phone.. And listened to the cows go crazy... What a night.Most people can't even imagine..And you don't want to.


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