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Showing posts from December, 2011

African Adventures, Day 81

Day 81: I woke up this morning..and so happy to sleep in without noise ! The only thing I woke up to was my mom jumping on me! (Typical mom..) I sat with my parents, just hanging out for awhile. I showered, and my parents had gone out to get some things and go for a walk. Really... the rest of the day contained of me trying to just relax before we go home. Otherwise, I did not do much ..

African Adventures, Day 80

Day 80: This morning I actually got to sleep in.... Until maybe 10 :30! That has to be the latest I have slept in since I have arrived. We lazed around for part of the day.. just because we could!! Around noon we decided we would get productive and go for a walk to this shopping centre called the "Yaya" . We are pretty close to it ( It's only a few Km's away) so we decided we would get ready and walk down. As we were walking, it seems many people are very intrigued to see white people walking..?!  We even had some cabs honk because they thought since we are white we would want  a drive. (It may be hard to understand this.. but they don't look at whites ordinary here.We are sort of... Money on legs, sweets on legs.. etc!) Not fun. So we arrived at the centre, walked inside and.. WOW!?!? It was sort of a westerner type! We spent a bit there, and walked around.. ! SO nice to get groceries that are not rice and beans :)!  We stayed there for a bit, and then went back

African Adventures, Day 79

Day 79 : This morning we would be heading put of that hotel to a cheap missionary apartment. I woke up again feeling very sick.. not sure if I could even go to breakfast. HORRIBLE. I decided I would take another pill to hold me together for a bit, and went to eat. I made sure I did not take ANY meat.. I am thinking I am sick because of that. We went back and packed and made sure we had everything. We waited a bit a the desk, and soon checked out and grabbed a driver to bring us to the apartment. After a quick drive we got here.. and WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW it's so beautiful! (I can't believe how cheap it is as well! ) It sort of is like home. You never really realize HOW MUCH you miss the luxuries and everything until you get somewhere! We actually have a working oven, working internet.. And so many things we do not have back home! It's wonderful and I am SO thankful for it now. I actually had a HOT shower last night!?! With REAL water pressure! (My showers are usually not even s

African Adventures, Day 77/78

Day 78 : Today I woke up.. FEELING HORRIBLE. Great! -_-  It was raining outside, and we had been hoping to go for a swim! We had part of the day with sickness, but soon we headed to a shopping centre type of thing and walked around as well as get some things. We did not stay too long due to me being sick and running to the bathroom plenty of times..! We had to get a drive to bring us back so I could get some medicine in me or something! I went back to my room and took some stuff, and rested for a few hours. After having a small nap , the sun was now out and I really wanted to go swimming still ! Dad and I got ready and went to the pool. We got in.. AND IT WAS SO COLD! I guess we must be used to the weather, because this would not be as bad back home maybe! We stayed in for a bit, and then got out and changed. We went back to our rooms and got all warmed up and waited for supper. After dinner, I just went back to my room once again and had to relax and I got to talk to friends back hom

African Adventures, Day 76 .. CHRISTMAS DAY

Day 76: CHRISTMAS DAY! I woke up early this morning and had to get all ready. It sure did not feel like Christmas AT ALL. I went out into the living room and saw my parents had put up a palm tree branch ahahaha... I guess they miss the Christmas tree part ;)! I looked under it to see maybe a couple gifts from them and I opened them up. (It was nice of them :) ) After that we went over and .. church time! It was supposed to be a short service, but ended up being quite long!  We went back to the house  a little early, because mom was not feeling well and I had to get ready for the burst of children at my door waiting for their Christmas cups. Dad soon came back, and I heard a little voice yelling my name. I looked out to see tiny little faces peeking through the gate door. I let them in and we handed them their little gifts. (Most of the kids had stuffed animals and were not sure at all what to do with them, some new underwear and some sweets I made) They went back over to the orphanage

African Adventures, Day 75

Day 75: Early morning wake up.. ! It seems everyone was SUPER excited about Christmas being so soon and Christmas Eve day is a big day here in the village! We got all ready and dressed for service, and headed over to hand out the kids their new shoes ! They all got theirs and we had to go set up soon for a slideshow to show the villagers. I got all of my computer equipment up and working. ( My dad and I are the only ones who know how to set this kind of stuff up, so we got it all ready) I also had to go help Ben burn some more CD's before everything started. Soon enough I heard the music and we went over. The music went on for...some time, and we had some Kenyan famous singers come sing as well as Ben performed. After the music finished there was some speaking going on ( This went on for hours and took even longer because it started late) After the speaker I had to play the slideshow/video and that video was long as well. It was now around 4 pm..! WOW ! And we were going to eat lu

African Adventures, Day 74

Day 74:  Today we would be heading down to the market guy once again to pick up the shoes for the kids. As mom and dad went down, they picked up the shoes and brought them back . Meanwhile, I was hanging out with Ben and some of the local village kids at my house. The boys were practicing their dance for Ben's performance for Christmas Eve. He  and I had to get some of his tracks on Cd as well. We did this for probably more than half of the day! After he left, I had to wrap up the sweets I made for the kids and put all of their things together with their names. We had some underwear we got for them too.. (It is so sad , but cute how excited they were.. especially Abdul who is 17 years old. They don't usually have any, and wear ripped clothes) We  made sure we sorted our all of the shoes for the kids, put their names on the bottoms.. and tomorrow we would hand them out before the morning Christmas Eve service. After finishing it all up, we went over with the kids to check out t

African Adventures, Day 73

Day 73 :  Today we had to go back down to the village. Dad had to work in the garden with the guys, but we headed down to go look around and see if we could get something for Dad for Christmas. We  look a some of the stands, and finally we found these cool mini pots where you can make some Chapatis on. We decided we would get it tomorrow, and after we had to go and get some things to cook for supper. Once we got back with our veggies, we went out back to the mango farm (Behind our house) and went to the avocado tree. Mom wanted to have some with supper, but the market people did not have any ripe. So I got my fancy throwing stick and attempted hitting one down. (Although I tried and mainly got small ones).. As I was throwing it up another time, I got my stick stuck in the tree, I then threw some old mangos off of the ground up trying to get it out, and some other sticks as well.. and with my luck, I got those sticks stuck too... OH JOY D:< ! Since I usually climb trees .. seeing as

African Adventures, Day 72

Day 72: Today we had to get up earlier. We had a lot of sorting out to do because we had enough money left of the money donated for a well, and clothes to get the kids.. SHOES TOO :D! Wow I can't thank Canada enough for being so kind :)!  We brought some of the older kids down and we went to the same guy again. We got different types of shoes of different sizes so we could bring them back and figure who is what size. We took a few bags full to try out , and we would come back with the sizes so that the man could order them from Mombasa. We got a soda with Sylvester, Nelly, and Capata. (Who cam with us) And after we finished headed back. As soon as we got back we went into the church so that we could sort the sizes out and have the kids come in and try them on. We had the kids outside of the door, and one by one would try a pair on and pick what they wanted.Half way through, we had to count the shoes, and realized that 4 pairs were missing....? Uh huh.. We knew that nelly and capat

African Adventures,Day 68/69/70/71 (Shorter days)

Day 71: Today we were going to be heading back down to the village and home. It was a nice short break, but we were quite glad to be back, because we really missed the kids and everyone. We packed up , and John and Kim would be driving us to Voi, because we had to go get some supplies there. (We cannot get many things in the village, so we have to drive an hour maybe to get it) We finished up getting the things, took our bags, and got on a Mattatu back. As soon as we arrived the kids faces lit up :) . We unpacked a bit and we walked to Dicksons house to let him know we were back. (We have been donated money for the kids to ALL get a new outfit/shoes, so we had to see if we could get them to come with us today.) We had to round up ALL 43 of the kids and we walked down with them hand in hand. We walked into the open market (You would have to see how close everything is, things hanging over your head to understand unless you have seen it... wow) as soon as we got there the kids were EVER

African Adventures, Day 67

Day 67 ; I woke up this morning not feeling well again. My parents were to be heading into the town to get some things, but I really was not feeling up to it. I was thinking I could have malaria.. again. I wanted to take the safe side.. So really today was not very adventurous .. AT ALL! I stayed in bed all day until around 5! Then Ben came over to visit with a friend, and soon my parents were back. Once they got back Ben had to go and Dickson came to get some help with computers. (Of course going to me ) So i helped him out with his computer and such and now it's bed time.. again! (WHAT A FUN DAY.. haha jk) Hoping for full health tomorrow ;D

African Adventures, Day 66

Day 66; Today we decided we would head into Voi once again. I actually got to sleep in again, and we left around noon. In the car there, we were listening to the radio. On the radio they had played "Winter Wonderland" ,and we laughed because.. well this is not the kind of winter as in Canada that's for sure ! As soon as we arrived we walked around for a bit, to the bank trying to take the well money that people have donated (Thanks to my aunt Sharon :D  and others) and so on. The heat was really getting to us, so we were all very tired it seemed. We got some groceries, and diapers (for the 5 year old named alli.. who pees himself and can't help it D:) and wee actually found some.. yes.. WRAPPING PAPER. As mom and I were walking around waiting for my dad (He was somewhere else)  an old man.. who maybe was begging? Came up to me and grabbed my arm startling me. Mom.. being a mother, went kung fu and practically karate chopped him. He followed for a bit after. (As I avo

African Adventures, Day 65

Day 65 : (It's now been over 2 months being here?! WOW..)       I woke up this morning to a startle.. the first voice I woke up to was Ben in my window yelling "CHELSEY! ARE YOU AWAKE?!" .. I jumped up and suddenly said  .. : "HUH..Now I am!" . I was sort of wondering why he was outside of my window.. and WHY so early! I got some clothes on and went to the door to unlock it.. half asleep. He wanted to know if I was ready to go shoot the video! Nope! He gave me some time, and I got ready and we soon walked over and got in the van full of people who would also shoot in the music video. We drove over to Bens house got a big speaker to put on the roof, and headed for the mountains.We drove on the so called "Roads" for quite some time trying to get up the mountains. We finally got to the very top where we would be shooting. We stopped outside of a church with a BEAUTIFUL view , and soon it all began! We danced and danced for hours until a lady who seemed v

African Adventures, Day 64

Day 64 : Today was the day Ben would be shooting his first video! (He wanted me in this one, but changed it to tomorrow  instead) I actually got to sleep in this morning.. and late!? Ben walked in as soon as I woke up  :p and I had given him my dads phone because he needed to call the director of the video. After he left.. He had such a busy day I did not see him!  (That's rare because Ben and I are close and always hang out) I started the day with... well chores.. because now that both mom and dad are sick, they can't do much! ( I KNOW HOW THEY FEEL) Been there, done that! Since my malaria symptoms are gone besides feeling faint, not being very hungry, and low blood pressure.. I am able to do things! Mom started me off with wanting me to take someone with me and head to the village and pick up her dress from the dress maker and some vegetables and fruit because they need nutrition. I got some shillings and went over to the orphanage next door and asked one of the orphan girls

African Adventures Day 63

Day 63: Today was another day.. AT THE STUDIO :D (Spending most of my time there along with chillen with the kiddies) We recorded a bit today in the studio and practiced mostly. We finally finished all the tracks we are working on.. then came up with a new song! We recorded the starting a bit as well. We decided that today we wanted a break and get our heads clear so we can have a fresh mind when we get back to the studio. We left at lunch (Maybe like 3) and walked down to the village to go eat at a restaurant. hahaha I laugh because when I say restaurant.. you probably actually picture something fancy! There's actually roosters and chickens chillen inside there.. But it is very nice on African standards :) And the food is good! We finished up there and talked a bit . We left and decided we would walk around the village . We wandered around and talked with some of Ben's friends and went to the dress maker to check on my dress. We hung outside near the barber shop (His friend

African Adventures, Day 62

Day 62 : This morning I woke up to another day.. except now.. MOM HAS MALARIA TOO. We had to leave her home and go over to the church for service in the morning. Which usually goes on until around 1 sometimes 2... Once it finished dad had gone back to stay with mom, and Ben was going to come over and pick me up at 3. He came an hour later and we headed out to his house. (He wanted to change since he'd be performing) We chatted with his family.. (Well mostly them because I don't know how to understand all of Swahili but they did talk to me) and then we headed over to an outdoor stage/church thing! There would be a concert there with a famous Kenyan singer that Ben knows and his producer singing along with Ben doing his songs.  I got introduced to Dan and a few others , and everyone was SUPER friendly.. seeing as I was the only white person there.Soon the fun started and the producer started getting everyone up and dancing.After he finished, Dan (The singer) got up and sang and

African Adventures, Day 60/61

Day 60/61 (Shorter days in one post) : Day 61: Today I woke up and headed to the studio again with Ben. We decided we would not stay there the whole day though and just take a break. We walked down to the village and back, then we walked down again with my parents to go eat. we went out to eat with Ben and Dickson, then came back and played with the kids. We got back and relaxed, went to the studio a bit.. then I went back and hung with my parents.. watched  a movie again together! Day 60 : Today was another day.. typically in the studio with Ben! I woke up early and headed over to hang out with him and make our tracks! We stayed in there half the day until the power went out.. So we decided we would go hang out at my house!  We did for a bit, then went back to the studio. We Stayed in there until night time and then when we got back we decided we would watch a movie with my parents ..(One of the pirated ones we bought on the street) On the laptop! So we did, and half way throu

Internet/ Crazy life

Dear readers, I have been meaning to write.. But our internet is very off and on and it is busy here! (It is also hard to remember what has happened in the past few days..) I hope to have a few blogs up in a couple days , but depends on tomorrow! (Music video shoot all day) Thanks for reading :)

The children who show such hope in a world of darkness.

            As I feel the warmth of the small child in my arms I listen closely and can hear his heart beat. I look down to see him relaxed with his eyes closed in my arms, enjoying the embrace.I look down to see his small hands, the size of a baby's and his tiny little feet, that don't even take up my palm. The sad part is... he is 5 years old.        His name is Alli and he is 5. When he arrived he could not walk or talk, he was extremely malnourished and sick. His brothers were taking care of him and each other because their mom was taken away because she was soso sick and sent to special care. The boys did not have food and were all alone. The police found them and brought them here.. And to this day they  are little sunshines :) . He can now walk, and talk Swahili. Although he has been sick lately, and not acting himself. We weren't really sure what was wrong because he would cry so much, and have low breathing. Although, now that he is getting treated he is finally s

African Adventures, Day 59

Day 59: Today we got up early and as a sort of day off.. we headed into Voi. We had waited for a Matatu not long at all.. but got on an already full one. I squeezed in, sat on my mom's lap with my head tilted near the ceiling.. sharing a seat with 5 other people ! What an adventure :)! We got out in Voi and headed for where they sell mattresses. (The kids do not currently have enough mattresses , and the ones that they have are dirty and urine stained. ( The poor children!) So we went there  and very soon  now because of some generous people back in Canada, they will all have brand new pee proof mattresses.  After that we wandered around the open market to see what kind of stuff they had. We got some groceries and things and soon ate at an African restaurant.. SO MUCH FOOD ..?! We met up with my friend Lawrence after and we hung out with him for a bit and he helped us out :) . We then decided we would go back  so we hired a car (for my mom's injured neck) and drove back to the

African Adventures, Day 58

Day 58 :  Today I woke up and headed to the studio once again, except the power went out.. So we couldn't go in right then. I decided I would go hangout with the kids again. I went and sat along the side of the building while they played with my hair. I cuddled the tiny malnourished boy while making lyrics with Ben..ALL at the same time ;) . After a bit the power came back on and we went into the studio. We stayed there until around 12pm and then I took a break and went down to the village with my mom and dad. we walked around for a few hours in the .. jungle looking area behind the village and then we went and picked up a dress I had made for me by some nice lady. We headed back and I tried it on.. and it didn`t fit! It ended up fitting my mom -_-.. and the lady had even measured me! Oh well!  My mom was excited about it and we made a deal ! After a little bit I headed to the studio and hung out with Ben and his friend and listened to them rap. Their music is super good!  We did

African Adventures,Day 56/57

Day 57 :  Today I woke up and again I would be heading to the studio. We spent the day there working on the tracks and practicing again, and came out around 7pm, ate then went back.  By the end of the day I was wiped out and ready for bed! Day 56 : I woke up early this morning  and got my books ready. It would be time for the studio again! Ben and I have around 4 tracks together, and a 5th one.. but the 5th one got erased because his computer crashed.. D:< So we are making the tracks and then we will record soon. We spent the whole day in the studio practicing and making, until around 10 pm .. then went back to eat.

African Adventures, Day 55

Day 55; I woke up this morning and as every Sunday, I went to church. . . But not the kind of church most people picture, it's actually more like a party!(My type of church) Everyone was excited to see  me out of the house and at church because I had not seen the villagers much during the week do to me being sick and in bed. We had Ben perform again and we even had elderly people dancing ;) ! (So cute!) After church finished we ate lunch and then Ben and I decided we were going to go into the hills.. ON A MOTORCYCLE. (It may not seem very exciting to some people but I had never been on a motorcycle before Africa, just a four-wheeler and such) We drove up the mountains , here and there stopping because we were stalled ;) Or because there would be a huge ramp or bump . (These roads are NOT like back home... they are barely roads.) We drove up and soon arrived at one of the biggest schools around. We wanted to go look around inside, and after talking to the guard and him seeing I was

African Adventures, Day 54

Day 54; Today I am feeling better. I decided I would ACTUALLY do something and try and recover from this crazy malaria..!  I had to get up in the morning and clean, so I did my chores and the things my mom asked . I had to go outside and make sure all the guys in the garden were filled with some drinks and I decided I would cook!I had made these things most would know as "Macaroons" or otherwise, "Frogs". After I made them and they were finished I brought them out to everyone at the orphanage. I was then LOVED .. I wonder why! I brought back what was leftover and had to make more, and then decided I would make some dinner for my family.I cooked up some fish ,ougali,greens, and chai tea. (Typical African meal) And after I was done went over to hang out with the kids and have some fun. Night time came fast and we ate late as most Africans do, and soon it was time for rest!

African Adventures, Day 52/53

Day 53; We again.. stayed home because we played with the children, and had the same routine as the day before. Except today I was in bed more due to being sick. (Sorry my days are not as interesting right now.. I am sick ) Day 52; Today was a relaxed day. We played with the children for most of the day, cleaned and ..cleaned more! We had such a time with the kids. I sat outside and felt like a dog or something.. the kids petted my hair and played with it, while I cuddled a little boy..  Wow ! They are sure not delicate with these things.. ;) I don't think they realize it's real hair and attached to me because everyone here has like wigs and such! Or extensions! The day passed quickly since we did not keep track of time because we played with the children, but overall.. a chill day.(LOL not really though)

African Adventures, Day 51

Day 51 ; Today we decided we would go to Voi for the day. We waited for a Mattatu for a bit, then headed out. I squeezed in, and we soon arrived at the halfway point called Mwatate. There, I felt like I had eyes everywhere all over me.. I was sitting inside the van and looked out to a man staring at me. He had the eyes of an angry person, and I was afraid that if I was to step out of the Van he would kill me or..other things.He came up to my window, and started banging on it. I did not look, eye contact is not a good thing for such situations. He then went and stuck his head in the van door and just stared at me.. still no eye contact.. he went to my mom's window and stared and yelled something, then back to mine and so forth. He did this for awhile until, my dad stared back at him intimidating him.Creepy gonzales..! After the van started up again we headed to Voi and the ride was squishy but went quickly. We arrived soon , and we had people surrounding us, trying to either sell us