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African Adventures,Day 68/69/70/71 (Shorter days)

Day 71:
Today we were going to be heading back down to the village and home. It was a nice short break, but we were quite glad to be back, because we really missed the kids and everyone. We packed up , and John and Kim would be driving us to Voi, because we had to go get some supplies there. (We cannot get many things in the village, so we have to drive an hour maybe to get it) We finished up getting the things, took our bags, and got on a Mattatu back. As soon as we arrived the kids faces lit up :) . We unpacked a bit and we walked to Dicksons house to let him know we were back. (We have been donated money for the kids to ALL get a new outfit/shoes, so we had to see if we could get them to come with us today.) We had to round up ALL 43 of the kids and we walked down with them hand in hand. We walked into the open market (You would have to see how close everything is, things hanging over your head to understand unless you have seen it... wow) as soon as we got there the kids were EVERYWHERE looking at clothes. (They got to pick their own and we had this guy we had a deal with ) My dad was with the little boys, my mom with little girls, and I went with the middle aged to older girls/boys. We spread out and we were running around everywhere trying to help them all. (Dickson thought it would be nice to have them all at once just because it'd be a better experience for them) so by the end of it.. we were some glad! Every child in there had a smile on their face and was some pleased with the ouutfit they picked :) ! We had to write their names on it one by one,

Day 70:
Today we decided to go down to the town once again.We  then walked up a huge hill and saw this big tree, where you could kind of go inside. As my mom was going to go inside I had seen a snake hanging down.. NOPE she wasn't going in there with THAT! We walked up this huge hills and near the top there was these telephone towers. You could see such a beautiful view! Although, I was not feeling well so we headed back down and I went to rest as they went back up. (BUMMER D:<) We took our day and relaxed, talked with Kim and John and had our dinner on our porch. Wow, we finally had a nice break from a busy life!

Day 69:
Today is the day we decided to go visit our friends in the hills. They are from the U.S.A and we are glad to have people who can relate to us! We decided to get out early in the morning , and we hopped on a mattatu and went up to the hills where they live. By the time we got into the hills our rooms were already ready but we decided we would walk around in the town there for a bit first.We looked around for a bit then walked over to the hotel rooms.. (Not a hotel like home of course)We decided we would relax for a bit, then maybe we would go for a walk later on. We all took a rest (There's a lot of stress overlooking everything at the orphanage and stuff) After taking a rest we went for a walk and ate at Kim and John's . We went in and had a BBQ (although the bugs were bad so we had to try and escape them) . We had ....HAMBURGERS WHAT!?!?!?!? And chips....?! (Not french fries) The first time in 3 months! :D Yeah , you miss the fatty foods...!  ( It was a bit of a relief to not have beans, rice, chaaptis, and ugali for once!)

Day 68 :
Today we spent our day recovering. Malaria is hard on the body, so we have been trying to not over -do things.We have been getting the gardens done and such. Overall, we took it out as an easier day to catch up!


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