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African Adventures, Day 65

Day 65 : (It's now been over 2 months being here?! WOW..)
      I woke up this morning to a startle.. the first voice I woke up to was Ben in my window yelling "CHELSEY! ARE YOU AWAKE?!" .. I jumped up and suddenly said  .. : "HUH..Now I am!" . I was sort of wondering why he was outside of my window.. and WHY so early! I got some clothes on and went to the door to unlock it.. half asleep. He wanted to know if I was ready to go shoot the video! Nope! He gave me some time, and I got ready and we soon walked over and got in the van full of people who would also shoot in the music video. We drove over to Bens house got a big speaker to put on the roof, and headed for the mountains.We drove on the so called "Roads" for quite some time trying to get up the mountains. We finally got to the very top where we would be shooting. We stopped outside of a church with a BEAUTIFUL view , and soon it all began! We danced and danced for hours until a lady who seemed very ..uh, upset ..started yelling at us. Eventually she stopped and we proceeded once again. This went on for hours. I danced my butt off  and then we decided we were going to switch locations. (Not literally dancing my bum off..  that would be horrible!) Ben had told me.. Show me some Canadian style dance. Since we do not have any really.. Canadian "styles" I did my cheer stuff and some of my own, Ben would dance with me and sing.. and etc !

         We drove down the mountains a bit, and stopped at another spot. We did this about ..well who knows how many  times! We drove, stopped, danced, videoed, sang.. etc for some time! We drove down even more, and stopped in another village to eat some crackers and have some milk. We videoed there as well, and kept on going.. This went on for some time before we headed back to the village. We stopped in the village and dropped Sophie and her daughter off  and then went back t the orphanage. When we got there we videoed the kids dancing , and then decided we would get back in the van. We headed to another part of Taita, on the way there.. we had to push on the gas to get over the rocks and bumps. I'm not really sure if it was considered a road or not?  We found a field there and we stopped and videoed there too. The kids seemed to know my name too...?!? .. And they seemed very surprised that a white girl could dance! I even got some cheers.. weo!  As we finished up, we were all very tired.. and as for me.. SUNBURNT, after  a long day! We stopped at Ben's house and everyone got out. The director has a lot of editing to do! ;) We had everything unpacked and the speaker taken off the roof, and we walked back to the orphanage. When we got there I headed over to the grass there.. Just to show my parents my gymnastics and to see if I could still do it! The kids were amazed, and had me do some sort of show.Getting me to do it over and over?! (which hurt with a sun burnt back in the shape of a V)  Once I finally decided I could do no more.. I promised them I would teach them tomorrow ;) ) And I will keep that promise :)! I went back home with my parents and we relaxed. After a long day, my feet were extremely dirty because my shoes broke.. and I am very tired and burnt! I am now ready for what tomorrow brings! And hopefully soon my songs will be recorded , and we will be having a song with the orphans singing in it)
Finally up to date... AFRICAN ADVENTURES :)


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