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African Adventures, Day 72

Day 72:
Today we had to get up earlier. We had a lot of sorting out to do because we had enough money left of the money donated for a well, and clothes to get the kids.. SHOES TOO :D! Wow I can't thank Canada enough for being so kind :)!  We brought some of the older kids down and we went to the same guy again. We got different types of shoes of different sizes so we could bring them back and figure who is what size. We took a few bags full to try out , and we would come back with the sizes so that the man could order them from Mombasa. We got a soda with Sylvester, Nelly, and Capata. (Who cam with us) And after we finished headed back. As soon as we got back we went into the church so that we could sort the sizes out and have the kids come in and try them on. We had the kids outside of the door, and one by one would try a pair on and pick what they wanted.Half way through, we had to count the shoes, and realized that 4 pairs were missing....? Uh huh.. We knew that nelly and capata had stolen before but we trusted them. And with my mom angry because we were getting them shoes, and then they steal from us? ! She sure made sure she GOT THOSE BACK. And we did. (Although Nelly had lied and said she found them on the road I had watched her get them from her room and bring them back after my mom threatened her.) After that whole situation we kept bringing the kids in and we finished up with the older ones. Once it was all done we went back down (Without the two girls ) and ordered the sizes. Meanwhile, while dad was sorting it out mom and I had to go pick up some things and we took one of the boys with us. Once we got back we helped with it all, and took the ones the guys had, and we would get the other shoes Friday once they are in.
After a long 2 days of market shopping.. we were ready to collapse ! We headed back , cooked up some supper and went to bed.


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