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African Adventures, Day 75

Day 75:
Early morning wake up.. ! It seems everyone was SUPER excited about Christmas being so soon and Christmas Eve day is a big day here in the village! We got all ready and dressed for service, and headed over to hand out the kids their new shoes ! They all got theirs and we had to go set up soon for a slideshow to show the villagers. I got all of my computer equipment up and working. ( My dad and I are the only ones who know how to set this kind of stuff up, so we got it all ready) I also had to go help Ben burn some more CD's before everything started. Soon enough I heard the music and we went over. The music went on for...some time, and we had some Kenyan famous singers come sing as well as Ben performed. After the music finished there was some speaking going on ( This went on for hours and took even longer because it started late) After the speaker I had to play the slideshow/video and that video was long as well. It was now around 4 pm..! WOW ! And we were going to eat lunch.  We ate some rice and cow meat (From the cow the slaughtered  yesterday). After chatting for some time, all of the visitors (and the other orphanage kids that were visiting ) all headed home. We waited with them at the gate and saw them off. Mom had the kids find out I was ticklish ... and soon they were all chasing me trying to tickle me! We played with the kids different games, sang songs, ran around, I taught them some cheerleading dance and gymnastics, and we all went crazy together! The best part of the day HAD to be just playing with the kids :)! They COMPLETELY opened up to us and now they call me their best friend! (It's funny how one night of laughter and fun opens them up!) We did not want to go, but it was now completely dark, and we had Christmas tomorrow! So we went back (next door) to our house to settle down, eat and get to sleep!


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