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Italian Adventures, Day 1-

Italian Adventures, Day 1:
Leaving my family was not as hard as before.. hahaha, Africa helped. But also.. I asked for a quick and short good-bye because well,       I hate crying.  Leaving my friends and loved ones.. Sucks, but I was off to a fresh start. My plane was to leave at 11:55 AM. I would get on at 11:20 however, and we would prepare to take off. This was it. The day I had been waiting for, for so long. Alone in airports, not fun.. but quite the thing! I had my red Canadian rotary jacket on, went through security easily because of it ,  and was ready to go. My heart was honestly beating so hard as I awaited my destined plane.    As it pulled in , I heard my number, and we were off.

The first flight was short. I had a random man farting a lot next to me .. but it was good. I landed in Montreal  and had 5 hours to kill before my next flight. I walked around, met some friendly elderly people (SO CUTE)  and tried to kill time. It finally kicked in.. " I will not see Canada for a year.. WHAT?!?" As my plane arrived, all of the people on my flight loaded on (Along with a nice french couple I met who were with the program I was once).  We were off to Frankfurt , Germany. The flight was long, I was sore and didn't think I  could walk again ahah! The man next to me was friendly and talkative, so we talked quite a bit, and we even had a seat in between us. The view was amazinggggg! Now after arrival I had to wait an hour in Germany, we flew to Rome, and I waited like the whole day in the airport alone without  very much money or company. Bought some McDonalds and ate alone ;). ( Long story short my flight was an hour and a half delayed so I waited even longer afterwards.)  Seeing as my next flight was a small plane, I had to go through Germany's security again, then again at Rome, pick up my luggage, send it off to Olbia then wait more time in the airport with a dead computer and no charger that fit the walls as well as screaming children and stinky people. (The joys of airports)

I FINALLY arrived at 6-6:30ish in Olbia airport and grabbed my luggage. I was to meet my family that i'd be with for a year. I would be in a car for 2-3 hours with them  after such a long time on flights, and I was not sure how much longer my eyes could stay open.. I opened the doors of the airport to a family full of smiles and greetings, and thus my exchange had begun!  We drove to their home, had some pizza and I was ready for bed for.. ever.


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