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African Adventures,Day 124/125/126

Day 126:

Today is another new church! We love going around and experiencing each! We got ready in the morning and we walked down to the new built church. I would be teaching the kids, while my dad would be with the adults.  I taught them and played with them for some time, had them laughing at the Mzungu! I brought them back with the adults and we all just sang songs with their built drum and voices! So beautiful!  We were there until around noon, meeting new people and hanging out, then decided we would go for lunch with some of the people there. We walked down to the food place they call "Sweet Waters" and got some beans and chapatis, and chatted. After we finished up there we all said our goodbyes and we walked back to the orphanage and played with the kids for the rest of the evening.

Day 125 :

I woke up this morning  and we had a bunch of things to fix inside the house My tap has been broken, no curtains on the so called "shower" and windows, some lights had to be fixed, an my windows did nt have an small glass pieces in it which makes it super loud at night. SO we spent the morning dad fixing things and mom and I helping, and cleaning up the house. After we spent the morning doing that and had finished , we  decided we would go down to the village to see Mary. We went down and visited a bit, then brought some things back.  We went back down to the village, but this time went for a walk, and had one of the kids with us named Joseph. We walked out behind where no shops are, and  admired the  beautiful green trees, and the breeze during the hot day. We turned around to head back, and went back to the orphanage, and from then on just played with the kids. They were going CRAZY! They were jumping all over us, and we were playing games with them, letting them braid my hair, and we had this game where they would jump and I had to catch them. Since we were all out there having fun we decided we would record them, and get a few pictures of them! So I will be trying to upload some to the site. We spent the remainder of the day playing and just having so much fun with them. They have a small tv radio show play on Saturdays, so we brought them inside and they were dancing to the music. Soon it was getting dark, which meant food for them, and we had to go back to our side of the fence for the night!

Day 124:

We woke up this morning for once again, for another Voi trip. We went for the morning and arrived at one of the gas stations for mid-morning.   We had to meet up with some people to  talk to them about some things, and get some information. We arrived and well, they weren't there. Turns out they didn't have a way... so we walked around for a bit outside of Voi. After a bit, we got a call back saying they could make it and would be there soon. We waited for them and soon enough they did arrive. We chatted with them for some time, and soon they had to go. We decided since we weren't far from Voi town that we would go in and get some things. We got a drive, and went in with a driver we already knew. He was going to show us this greenhouse where they sell a certain plant that helps heal worms, malaria, and 38 other things.(Muringa plant) We got some of the plants, and a few seeds, and went over to the drivers house to drop some things off and get a couple other little plants as well. After we finished up there we decided we would go visit one of the other orphanages around. We drove over, through this area that really just looked like a walking path... and stopped at the orphanage.This one was much smaller, and it seemed there was no one there. We went inside  and looked around. (Africa has open houses basically HAHA) We found a couple little children and we were told that one of the kids' family members had passed and a lot of people were down at the funeral. (They party when people die here) We decided e would come back another time then, and went back to Voi, picked up some things, and went home. Once we got back home we went over with the kids for a bit, then back to our house for the night.


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