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Flawed and Unpolished: My newest adventures.

Well, here I am.. Over 2 years later and I am left with unfinished posts and drafted stories. There have been so many times since my last post in 2014 that I have wondered why I never kept up with my blogging. 

Like Africa, life in Italy was full of funny, beautiful, and emotional adventures. I lived in a small city where everyone knew everyone else, and we passed the time by hanging out with the locals in the town centre where we grabbed Coronas at the  bars and ate crisps. After Italy, I moved back home to Canada to Fredericton for University where I spent my first year with one of my best friends that I met while in Italy, then I went on to face the next few years of university with new roommates and new people coming and going in and out my life.  I went through a lot of new transitions throughout the past few years that I never really thought were "important enough" to write about. A few years in University passed by and in January 2015 I met the love of my life, Dustin.  Now, here I am at the very end of 2016 looking back and wondering why I never told any of these little life stories. 

 I've often thought of writing about life after travels, but instead I have refrained from doing so. The truth is- I never really thought that my life was "adventurous enough" to write about after all of my previous adventures. In all honesty, my life was full of drastic changes after I returned that I struggled with. I had gone from living at an orphanage in Africa and petting baby elephants, to returning to Canada again for schooling, and then I headed on an exchange to Italy for yet another year. After my exchange, I returned to Canada and moved on to University to write papers.  I guess what crossed my mind was that going from living in Canada, to Kenya, to Italy (Sardinia), and then back to plain old Fredericton- was not exciting enough to keep writing about. 

The truth is that many of us only ever see an adventure as something that is regarded as exciting as living abroad, or as fulfilling as travelling the world and exploring new places. However, our major societal flaw is that we tend to only ever show the online world our bright, cheery, and polished up sides rather than our truthful, flawed and real everyday selves. I have struggled with this. Our problem is that we think that because we are flawed that people will judge us. And who knows, they may.. but it is our choice to care or not. Humans are flawed. All of us. So what is the point of these Internet masks that we put on if we all know that life itself is full of struggles and flaws? It seems that society has us always putting "our best" out there and hiding the rest. But you never truly know what someone may be facing. It was only over these past few years that I have concluded that writing a paper for university, working as a waitress, and being a caregiver for my cancer ridden partner- may also be other forms of adventures themselves. Sometimes, these adventures aren't the ones we were expecting. They aren't always cheery nor bright.. But that is life.

According to Google, adventure is defined as : "an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity" or "to engage in hazardous and exciting activity, especially the exploration of unknown territory."

Now you see, with time alone I realized that everyday is a new adventure or often an unknown territory, and that only writing about the polished, "exciting" parts of my life is not realistic, because life is full of flaws, difficulties and new emotions. By holding myself back from writing about these new sorts of adventures, I wasn't able to fully show the world what a day in the life of Chelsey is truly like. I'm flawed, unpolished, and my life is constantly full of adventures. Sometimes, like the year of 2016.. these adventures are not always positive ones. However, I will go into further details about my ongoing "adventures" in my posts to come. 

A lesson I myself have learnt and that I am still learning is that it's okay to talk about the unpolished parts of our lives, because if we constantly leave them in the dark then no personal nor societal progress will ever be made. Our imperfections and scars ARE part of our stories too.Without them, our stories wouldn't be complete. 

In further posts, I will write about some of my recent days of my life, and I may go into more details about my struggles, and adventures as my boyfriend faces terminal cancer. 

Until next year, 

A Day in the Life of Chelsey.


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