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African Adventures, Day 113/114/115

Day 115:
Today is Nairobbery time! (Nairobi)  Some people apparently call it that in Nairobi. We got up early, got ready, and headed out with our bags.We had to go out our gate, and walked down to meet Dickson along with Ben. We waited for our drive, got our bags inside and headed out! The ride is always the same, BUMPITY BUMP BUMP. If we are lucky we get away without one child saying "SWEEETTSSS"  or "MZUNGU MZUNGU"along the way.. IF we are lucky..IF. We arrived in Voi and were dropped at the Bus and Matatu pick up/drop off spot. We would take turns watching the bags and either Dad and ben would go run errands , or mom and I would go for a walk . We were actually in a zone where the beggars were not allowed?! But yet we had one guy still. And surprisingly I did not get a bottle thrown at me this time !! (I'll explain this in a different post) We waited for the bus to come, and when it did we made sure we packed our bags on it and had them tagged. The bus ride was well, swirve, swirve and beautiful views. The bus driver and the worker with him however were taking some kind of drug that gives them a high to make them feel more awake..  SCARY THOUGHT. But the drug is legal? Gross. Anywho, it was just another ride on the African "Roads". (Actually these were more like real roads!!) We arrived late afternoon and had to get a drive to some Missionary flatts and drop our bags there. We decided since we were in the city we would take advantage of having different foods then beans,rice,chapatis, and greens.. and we would get some PIZZA :D !!!!!!! <--- That is how excited I was. Ben however had never had pizza, and it was new to him. We walked down the street, ordered it , and brought it back to where we were staying. We finally got to have one night without chaos, so we took advantage of that and relaxed from then on.

Day 114:

Today was mainly a packing up day. We walked down to the village to see Mary, and see if maybe the baker guy was at his house. We went to see if he was, and it turned out that he wasn't. We went to see Mary after and give her a few things, then headed back to the baker. He still wasn't there so we headed on home a back way through the maze field. We walked past a school and somehow some of the kids knew me? :O We kept along the path and ended up in  a spot I had never been before.We walked past Dickson's house and soon we were at our gate.We unlocked it and went in to start packing up . The rest of the day was back and forth, packing, and kids!

Day 113:

Today was kind of hectic.. ish? I suppose you could say mom and I had a shopping day ;)? We decided today we would head into voi,seeing as we did have to buy bus tickets for tomorrow to head to Nairobi. We got a ride and drove in.. we arrived and from then on it was busy, busy, busy!We made sure the first thing we did was get our tickets, then from then on we searched for things. We have been looking around lately for material for my sister's wedding. (To make the bridesmaid dresses) Her wedding is a week after we get back. We wandered throughout the voi market, the shops, shop.. after shop.. LUNCH BREAK.. shop ...after shop.. ;) We got some groceries, and ended up getting a few more skirts. (It's what we have to wear everyday) We did not seem to find the material we were looking for but we did get some jewelry for my sister :) . Hours later we had to get  a car for my mom's neck ( Car accident 2 years ago.. well actually more like 3 car accidents.) so she has to have a better ride so she doesn't end up in  bed for days. We arrived back home, had to unpack the stuff and headed over to see the kids  a bit, but before we knew it , it was dark and time for bed!


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