Looking back on accomplishments.. and I really don't have any regrets except that I wish I could speak Swahili and explain to the children why I had to leave them. We're so fortunate, yet we live in a world full of CRAPPY stuff. People treat each other so badly, and sometimes it's really hard to relate to any friends because we've lived two completely different lives, and whenever I speak of an experience with Africa I usually get the weirdest looks. I miss the kids so much it hurts. I spent everyday with them, and to leave them out in the cold with who knows what and no "Mama Chelsey" there, was super hard. I wish that I didn't have it so good, but then again.. I am so thankful for everything now. It just feels really unfair when I look at things from a different perspective. High School kids are partiers who seek sex and alcohol, they all say. Honestly, I could care less. I don't relate to any of that and nor do I seek it. I'd rather have a memorable life with no regrets, rather than a life full of "What the heck happened last night?" It's hard to go to school everyday and see so much potential in people go to them getting drunk and telling me about it, or about drama here and there. Like seriously, no one is going to care about the little fights in the future. I feel like telling so many people to GROW THE HECK UP... But I don't :). It's High School for ya. However, it's great now that a lot of people don't tell talk to me about other people because they know I don't like it. I just want to make an impact, do something great with my life.. and it is hard with the pressures of graduating to actually decide WHAT I am to do... Uhhh like I know? So that's why i'm going away a year. I'll go this time to give me a year of time to see. It won't be another seriously crazy year like it was with Africa last year, because that was sosososo much stress.. But maybe I can figure life out this way. It'll be sweet to finish High School, but i'm going to miss all the amazing people I have met and the involvement I have made. I will miss the crazy fun nights i've had that have included sugar, and friends.. Not alcohol and friends. I do love High School and all, but it's so tiring hearing the stupid things that come out of people's mouths. I've learned to grow with my patience in Africa thankfully, and now I have a lot ;) I'll need it. I'll need patience for the patients of High School.
A series of stories and journals of the everyday adventures of an ordinary Canadian girl.
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