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Hmm.. Not always a safari

I can't  understand. The kids in the orphanage are the sweetest,yet, they are actually treated like animals. Animals hauling the grass everywhere, cutting down fire wood for the cook, cleaning for the cook, having to go into people`s house to clean everything for them, cook for them, build brick walls, do this, do that. It`s so wrong. But do I have a say?   Things are everything opposite of what you can think of where I was. Pick your nose, and go shake your neighbors hand, if you don't listen to your husband and "Be a good wife" you'll be beaten, if you don't listen to your authority , out comes the cane  and you'll be beaten. Want to go help that screaming woman during the night that is being beaten? You'll probably be beaten too, or killed. Want to go outside at night and play? Nah, you'll probably be robbed and .. you guessed it.. beaten. Rape, abuse, caning, work like a slave, riots, murder, etc.. Yeah, what else can I say. It's hard to explain to people that Africa and going there isn't all about happy elephants and cool looking lions, it can be really scary. But at the same time, you don't feel scared. I mean sure, during moments.. I was scared, but otherwise, you don't fear, because you know you're doing this work for the good, and if you die, well you .. die! ahahah It's not you'll actually die though, that's pretty rare, you don't have to go into there and be scared of the world and don't let anyone near you. It's just that you have to be cautious, and not think of this as some big Safari ride! I found out after the first 2 weeks "Honey moon stage" of it being all happy and jolly, that things aren't always bright. They are rough, but it's life. It's not always a cool safari ride, but .. you're actually living there. You have to get used to people begging from you, and you can't give them anything, because then they expect it. they expect if they ask for anything, that you will give. It's hard being the only white blonde girl in an entire village. It's hard to know who actually wants to be your friend, and who wants to be your friend to use you because they think you're rich, when you  aren't. It's hard for a lot of them to understand that.. as bad as it sounds (They don't believe it) but white people work for their money. Most people back here in Canada think that the racism is over, but honestly, it isn't. I've gotten it too. It's funny because  of all the vans passing, no one has stopped long term! I mean,one time I was working in the garden trying to plant things, and make fences and such with my mom, and there was a line up of guys watching, along with a teacher. My mom asked why they were watching and the reply was "Because we have never actually seen white women work". They usually pass by on their Safaris, and kids ask them for Sweets, they give it, not thinking that they kids will then go ask every white person for things. Or , the tourists think that the kids never get candy..WRONG! hahah In the village (Small village) there is even candy you can buy.  They have it.  But things are so different, and I had NO clue, until... well.. I EXPERIENCED IT! And after experiencing it, yeah. I would do it again, maybe my own organization and stuff, maybe differently but yeah.I would. Even after it all.


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