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African Adventures, Day 123

Day 123:
Hahah, the number of the day makes me giggle.

Well,well. Busy day! I woke up early this morning to get ready to walk down to meet up with my parents new friend James. James and a bunch of others are now starting up a new village a few kilometers from where we are now. They are trying to get it to look like a typical African life style, with the huts, the dance, a stand for hand made things, and someone cooking there. This place will hopefully be a stop where tourists can pay to get in (Not high prices) and they  see how an African lives, the African dances, and buy some souvenirs to bring back to their countries. It will also be rest stop for buses and such, so they wanted our opinion and help there. This village they are starting will boost the economy there and hopefully help  out the local area so that instead of having the tourists drive by, they will have something to stop for. You see the village nearby has a lot of gifted people, but they don't bother making things because no one stops. So this guy James and many others have decided they will create their own!  There is rubbish all over the side of the road , and they burn their rubbish instead of throwing it away. So this does not really attract tourists, or give them much to stop for  because most of the bigger shops are deeper inside the village not by the roads...etc. Since they are starting this up he wanted to bring us there and show us, so we walked down there this morning with him , some grass to build a hut, and another man who is the chairman of the new-coming village. We walked down the road ,through some paths, and along the roads as we walk past people, we got on the road and the trucks would pass us by, leaving dirt in our faces haha! Not bad , it's always dusty here anyways! We found this HUGE termite hill that we thought was super cool and took a picture beside it ;) .. anywho, we kept  on going down the road for some kilometers  and soon we were brought to this beautiful cleared area, with vines running down , a hut that they were working on the roof, and some other areas they were still putting huts up. They are only at the beginning , so they wanted us to see the progress. Once we arrived we were greeted by all the people who are committing to the village in progress, the committee and members. We sat down with them for some time, talking,giving suggestions, being introduced, getting the information, and were even made members ! We were shown a dance , and then we started building up the roof of the hut by putting grass on the roof, and latching it by trees. We spent some time on the roof, then when the grass was finished up we went over and talked some more.  I found out that they can make me some hand-made drums! Weoo! We finished up, and said our good-byes, because we'll be back soon anyways, and started our walk back. We took a different way back, went through a trail and saw a buffalo skull, and kept going past the football field .(Which is actually dirt, and they don't wear cleats..) We were also invited to go see the football team there and visit them, although all the balls we brought we have given out. We got back onto the main road, and as we were walking found a guy who had gotten into a Motorcycle accident. Thankfully, he was wearing a helmet, but he still had this huge gash on his head. Dad had checked him, and it turned out he had  a concussion, and we had to get one of the people with us to drive for him, and bring him to the infirmary . Since he was being put into care,we kept on walking and Bonifus had randomly drive up on his motorbike . I ended up getting on it with him and I was driven back to the orphanage while mom and dad kept walking. (I like motorcycles and think they are fun, they like walking for fun)
     As soon as  arrived back, I found out the younger kids were home early by them running up to me and squeezing me in their little arms! So cute! I stayed with them, played with them for about an hour and soon my parents were back. I was sitting with little Ali, and tried to go .. but once I got up and tried to leave he started crying because he didn't want me to go!  My parents came soon after and we kept playing with the kids. There was this new little girl. Except well, she is 10 years old. Her parents are both dead and she is not from Kenya but Tanzania and cannot speak English. She lacks love, and acted as if I was her mother, yearning for attention and laying on my lap. Of course I allowed it because she needs someone . It was so sad to see she had never had anyone comfort her like that, yet kinda cute. After awhile, we decided we would head back to the house. Mom was craving something sweet, so I made some cookies and Chai, and Dickson had come over. He chatted with my parents and then left, and then ben was over and we were showing him pictures from Canada. It's now night time and everyone is gone, time to rest up for an interesting day tomorrow ;)


  1. Awesome!!! Its amazing they are working at creating a tourist place, this will really Bless alot of people to be able to go and sell things there! :):):) Great idea, cool you guys could help. Blessings on that little girl too


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