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Bug Apocalypse...

So ... usually I would not complain about a bug, UNLESS it was a really gross spider.. ;) BUT I just find it so hard to live with well, an ant farm in the house, bugs in the flour, and well.. COCKROACHES HIDING WHO KNOWS WHERE. I feel like I could even be sleeping next to one ;) OUUU  isn't that a wonderful thought :) I am just so happy that in Canada we don't have termites, cockroaches etc in the house! If I even leave my cup out for 10 minutes with juice or something in it... If I go to pick it up again I will be drinking a delicious cup full of ants. These tiny ones too that you cannot escape.  We never really realize JUST how lucky we are until well, we are halfway across the world and cannot enjoy a cup of tea and set it down without digesting some ants at the same time. I guess I just miss not having it, I miss a lot of things! But it sure seems like these bugs are out to get us. >:) I really can put up with a lot more here, but that's just the tiniest thing on my list that I thought I would share. I even have a net over my bed.. but these ninja bugs still seem to crawl inside and irritate me. Oh as soon as I turn the light off , then on, I see all the cockroaches trying to hide from the light.. YUCK! Boys oh boys wish me luck!


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