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African Adventures, Day 96/97

Day 97:
Today is another cooking day for us. AND AN EXTREMELY BUSY DAY FOR MY DAD! The well guys are coming and fixing the well for us :D While we also have some other plumbers , workers for the gardens, and  an electrician coming to do work for the orphanage as well. WOWZA. Busy !  As the well guys came we had to go over, help out, and we played with the kids a bit. After , we went back to the house and since I found some lemons growing, I decided I would make a glazed lemon cake. I also found the best recipe ever for it! As I spent hours on that, mom was making more jam, and dad was talking to the well guys. After it was in the oven, I brought some mangos over for the kids (so cute) and then went back. The cake turned out to be the best recipe I had EVER used :D So good!  The day seemed to pass quickly, and before I knew it , it was dark and we were all finally relaxing after  a full day.

Day 96:
It is now Friday  and I spent the morning on schooling once again. Today a man would soon be coming to look at our mango farm and tell us details about it. (He is some sort of professional sales/expert on farms and such I think.Once he arrived around noon time  we had shown him around and we looked at all sorts of the mango trees, orange trees, Cashew trees, avocado trees, and everything we have there. He told us details of the type of trees and how we can grow them better and told us tips on how to make the farm really grow and be healthy.His guess was that if we really take care of the land we can make a fair amount in one year, which the funds would help support the orphanage. He is going to come Monday and take some samples to take to Nairobi and see what we can make off of the mangos at the market there. After he had left we headed back into the house to wash more mangos, because we had picked even more. The rest of the night seemed to be..mangos,mangos,mangos!


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