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African Adventures, Day 1

         African Adventures, Day 1 : Saying Good-Bye's was hard. Everytime I thought of the people back home it was difficult to think I would be gone so long away from them. Although it was hard, the excitement was overwhelming! Our first flight from the Moncton airport was late..Ohhh.. the adventure begins! The first flight I sat next to a stranger in a small space. The plane was small and the space was tight. I had a window seat luckily  , so I could see the view. Leaving was interesting, I looked out of the window to see the beautiful colour of the trees. I then realized how wonderful things were made. The red, yellow, and orange leaves blended well and were such a incredible sight. Without even realizing until after, I sat the whole flight just looking out the window of the plane, wondering what to expect. My mind scurried from subject to subject, running through my head like  a river. The days before leaving I was a little upset to leave all of my friends to go to a foreign country with only my parents for such a period of time, but I was so pumped because  I know this trip will change me for the better. The children, the adults, everything has an influence . The morning of our departure CBC and Global News called asking to interview my parents and I.. Oh wow, short notice much!? One more thing to add to our list of to do's before we go! The interviews went pretty well, although they didn't cut off the air at the right time for CBC, so there was an awkward ending. But overall, it was great!
               We arrived in Montreal late(oh yay) .. and unfortunately missed our second flight to Switzerland due to the first flight being tardy. Not only did we miss our flight, we could not seem to find our luggage, AND had to reschedule our whole flight list. Luckily, (as in London would say) our luggage was not "Confiscated and DESTROYED." We found out that the luggage people had just kept our luggage back because we had missed our flight, so we had to go find it, get new tags, then go see another worker to re-schedule our flights. We then had to be patient, and had new tickets for 2 hours later heading to London, then to Nairobi. We then got waved through security and such and went bag to the baggage area where only workers were allowed and actually put our bags on there ourselves, then headed to the waiting area for our Second flight to London. As we were on the plane in the air, dad had realized the guy at the counter had not given us our second ticket to Nairobi like he was supposed to...oh dear, "Here we go again" we thought...
        We arrived in London and had to get escorted on where to go to get our tickets that they had not given us, and since the Heathrow airport is huge we had to take 2 buses to get across it. We got our tickets then headed to security. Security was good, although we got stopped because they thought dad had a knife in our  laptop bag. (It was actually a harmonica) They then felt silly, and we got through. We took a long flight to Nairobi  and this time we were with a better airline, so WOOHOO, not green and gross airplane food ! The time passed with movies and tv, and sleep.. and we finally arrived! As we got off our plane I saw people sitting in the halls,crying children, men, and women of all sorts. The sight was sad. We met up with Jason(Cousin in law) outside of the airport and packed our stuff in his vehicle. (He has a club in the backseat because people will steal from anyone or fight) . And at-last we got to his house , brought our things to our room and SLEPT!  After all the time differences, we were ready. 


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