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African Adventures , Day 112

Day 112:
SUNDAY ! Church was soon and my parents had Mary and the other dresslady over for coffee. I had gotten ready and well, church came fast! We spent the morning doing that, then we were asked to lunch by Evans and Sophie. We walked down with them and little Lolly and ate there. We chatted and soon were out walking in the village and talking. Mom had to go back because of her neck, so we walked back and stayed there until around 4 30 . At 4 30 dad and I walked to the village to go to the "Crusade" they call it. There was music and dancing as there always is,and the whole time I had this little girl that is from the village following me. She always does , she is SO cute! Maybe around 2-3 years old. I picked her up and she fell asleep in my arms, drooling, nose running on me.. SO CUTE ! One of the girls had taken her back for a nap for a bit, then she actually came back running to me with a big smile! <3 I picked her up again and she just cuddled me while the music went on. Soon it was time for my dad to speak. I held the little girl the whole time,arms going sore.. but she is too cute to put down !! :) He spoke about telling the truth , and partway through  I had a girl come and talk to me. Making friends.. yay! He finished up and the little girl had to go back to eat. Music played again and  dancing started! They are SUCH good dancers!  I was grabbed by some girls running around and we danced , then I was pulled another direction by some little girls, and they held my hand and taught me some African moves! After it all finished I was sort of ambushed by little girls. Some were singing my songs, some grabbing my arms, everywhere! As we walked back to the orphanage/my house I had some of the younger boys as well! (I sing in the village with Ben sometimes at these crusades and the girls seem to always remember my songs and sing them to me <3 )  They walked us back in the dark and we said goodnight and walked inside the gate. The rest of the night was chores, and  now settling down !


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