African Adventures , Day 5 :
(I finally have internet so here is ALL my updates :) )
It was Sunday and we were still at my cousins house . We had woken up early to go to their church, which surprisingly was not an African church. Instead, it was mainly full of people who have moved to Kenya to help others and missionaries like my family. Right after church we had to go to 4 different malls* to go get things for our new house which we would move into on Monday. We loaded up on so much stuff because there are many needs for the orphanage.. After the malls I spent half the night packing while my dad went to go pick the rest of the group up from the airport because they had just arrived. (We left 4 days earlier than them and would be dropping them at their hotel down the road.) Nearly every mall we went to had security who would ask to check your vehicle for bombs or weapons. They did this because there has been concern with Al shabaab who has been threatening them. (If you look up the details on google it explains much more) As we walk through the malls there are guards with big guns all around.We had to get many things for our house because we do not have groceries here and things that would be necessary. As I closed my eyes Sunday night I did not seem to sleep much because the thoughts of finally settling in my new home was very exciting.
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