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African Adventures, Day 2

           African Adventures , Day 2 :
Today I got to sleep in.. and oh was it ever great! Jetleg is getting to us a little since the tiime difference is 6 hours ahead. After a nice shower the night before and a long sleep, I was ready for the day to begin. Breakfast was fresh fruit. The fruit is so much better than Canada's. Finally, no more plane food! We spent the day mainly shopping. We needed a few things before we go to our home on Monday. We got phones to call back home, and some nice fresh fruit.. love it. As we walked down town I felt like all eyes were on us. Some think we look silly , others love the blonde hair on a white girl.. I just felt  a little uncomfortable with it all, but it's how things work here. The poverty is so sad. Children  on the streets, women  and men trying to sell things to get money to feed their family, all sorts of things. Yet , we have so much. The air is not clear and fresh. When you take a deep breath , all you can smell is diesel and burning garbage. The rain pours down now and then because it is rainy season, so the fires are put out, but it's hard to breath. The traffic is nuts here, and well the drivers are nuts. It's crazy different from home, but I enjoy it. Get to see the elephants tomorrow! 


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