If there were no challenges, there would be no struggles.. and without struggles it would be hard to distinguish what your gains are and when you are doing better, and what isn't a struggle, and when you aren't going up the big hill. Although we find that we may be in the worst area we shouldn't be the ones to knock ourselves down and beat ourselves up, which many of us do. A life worth living is one that is full of happiness, but getting there is never easy. Pain, grief, depression, anxiety, anything brings us down some(Or most) days.. yet on top of that we seem to blame ourselves for finding that we are in that area of life. That somehow this becomes our fault, or many people blame God. God would never hurt you. It is found that being grateful when you are in a tough spot, or even thankfulness is hard to attain when you just feel like maybe sometimes you are drowning in the sadness that surrounds you. But what good would it do to give up? Not a thing. But what good would it do to beat yourself up about it? Not a thing. Lately I have noticed some friends feeling down. Some because of personal issues, others because of money, and others because of stress. But what I found in particular was that money brings so much stress to people these days. All the world surrounds itself by is money... and a secular world full of barbie and ken dolls looking for "the life". What kind of life is that? And what is money when it is only a physical obstacle that will never make a person rich in the heart or truly happy? A money can't fill a void, fill a hole in a heart, or fill your depression with a sudden happiness, nor can a one night stand make you feel happy everyday, drinking will not solve your problems, and getting high doesn't solve the pain in life forever. Not one material thing will ever make you as happy as you could be, nor any crazy things that people try to reflect their lives of off. (Based on media these days) A Facebook comment shouldn't ruin your self esteem, an Instagram comment shouldn't hurt your emotions, and a "Tweet" shouldn't ruin your relationship with any person. If a person is really your friend they will be there no matter what. Media is a side track of those everyday things that we never truly admire. Nothing is as real as life. Although media is a wonderful thing, too many people use it for negative things, and no one really appreciates how beautiful life CAN BE. All it takes is a new view on how you see things. You may not have come from a hard past, or maybe you have, but everyone struggles. And that is what we all don't see. We are one. We ALL struggle and go through things, and we can't just sit by comparing how sad our lives are, but be there for one another. However, there is an extent to which we can do so. By putting your everything into helping others, people may use you, take all your energy away, seem like little leeches taking away all the happiness in you.. and I have only realized this now. We need to be there as friends to anyone, yet we also need to protect our hearts and minds to keep them pure and full of happy and good thoughts. We all have problems, and we are never ever ever alone. Not even for a minute. I understand the feeling of a want to give up, but we can't take that step, because no matter what we are never alone, and there is ALWAYS hope. Even a tiny bit! Sometimes we lose our loved ones, people grow apart, people hurt us, and I will never understand why, but that is how it is.. but we need to free ourselves to be who we are truly meant to be. We can overcome death by filling our voids with something even greater. A happiness that will be forever! And so on my mind lately has been a lot of negative thoughts but I just sat in my room today, alone, waiting for something to happen, when I realized for me to be able to overcome whatever I am going through I need to push forward. No looking back, no sitting here and staring at the clock with this empty feeling, but there is a need to begin again. Because everyday is a new day.
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