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If moving abroad were easy, everyone would be doing it, right?

 If moving abroad were easy, everyone would be doing it, right?

 What makes people think that going abroad is equal to a young woman searching for love, and what makes people think that just because a young lady wants to travel, she is seeking something in particular? I just want to find who I am , grow into myself. 

When I lived in Africa, that was honestly the most life changing experience ever.  I grew so much, learnt so much. Nothing could compare. Leaving a life behind, people you love, you know.. it isn't easy but if you don't take a chance and say yes, when will that opportunity come up again? What I have realized is that it seems that we forget all about having FUN in life. Many students are off at Uni/College, others already sinking themselves deeply into work. People move on to having families, marrying.. and that's all great stuff, but I figured i'd open a new world of experiences, adventures, and most of all.. fun. As people grow up, we sometimes forget about the part of life where we get to relax, be stress free, and be able to experience the world. As for myself, i've decided to do my traveling at a young age, grow, mature, and .. SEE THE WORLD!  Obviously it isn't easy being young and maybe immature, and going across the world alone.. it's the hardest thing to do but people don't completely understand that. I'm alone, with no one, without knowing the area, the people, not having made any friends yet abroad, it gets lonely if you are not busy and it's hard to talk to people from home because of time differences. It may seem like a vacation, a dream, the perfect life.. when in reality.. It's hard leaving all you have ever known. But  if you don't take that chance, what other time will you have? I am not married or settled down, I do not have a student loan (Not quite yet).. So I have to take advantage of the fact that I can still afford to go! I'm not saying that later on in life I will not get to, because Africa is my love,and I am overall a crazy gal, but you've got to take a chance in life because it passes quickly. 

People make moving away seem so easy but really it is so challenging. You have to jump out of that comfort zone you have always been in, sometimes too far out. Living in a different country, there's different cultures, you must respect that. Food is different, people are different.. You have to go with the flow and make sure you are wise with every action. It's not this romantic overseas thing like many see it as in movies, and life isn't always the best. You have to make it the best with what you have. In movies, they do not talk about the hard times (Like Africa): The suffering of the people on the street you have to walk by day by day, the love you gain for the people, the love for children who you may never see again due to many reasons,  the place, everything there.. then you have to leave it all and cannot afford to go back,  the costs of everything and how you have to struggle to get by, how people take advantage of you  and you can't always find genuine people, the stress of not being able to always fix every problem, the nights where you cry because you feel like no one understands.. No one see's THOSE parts.. and it sucks because there's really no way to completely explain how you feel about it. 

All year, I saved my money up. All year, I worked every weekend and more to just be able to go on these adventures, and I would not change a thing.   I am truly blessed, I HAVE these opportunities. I can do it now, and it's worth every penny. Going away is like a fresh start, clean plate, a new you. You get to grow, learn, and most of all.. Have FUN. So for all of you who don't know what to do before you start up your busy lives, travel, have fun, and don't look back! It isn't, and never will be easy, but it's worth it.


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