So, I know it's been FOREVER since I have last posted. I've been home for awhile now, and i'm part way through my graduation year! I'm still not used to this life of luxury but, hey... I don't think i'll ever be. Africa changed me! I can't ever stop thinking about how the kids are doing. I got home from Africa and ran for student council, got voted in and I am in charge of fundraising for the school, community, and for any causes worldwide.. etc. I am in cheerleading once again and have started back up the music. No more wrestling though :( Too much to do! (We used to practice everyday) However, It seems that I made an impact on the school and they want to do a project every year called the 'Murray Project' and they will fundraise for an organization in Africa :) (To the ones I believe are actually LEGIT) I am on like 4-5 committees within the school, one of which is my own, and the other I am a leader in. Plus I am doing volunteer work outside of the school for the homeless shelter. (Starting soon) I am running everywhere! ANYWHO.. Update: Adventures with Chelsey begin again in the foreign lands! I'll be going on exchange next year to either Italy or Germany for one year with the Rotary club :). SO PUMPED! I applied, got accepted into interview stage, had to fill a form out, got accepted, and now have to fill another form with background info for everything. LOTS of work to do. Recently, I have gotten into a car accident, and I am hoping to be alright soon so that my health is back on track for the exchange and cheerleading.. even though I still have stomach problems from Africa. I'll be seeing a doctor in January for a scope to see what's wrong with my stomach. In the meantime I need to get a job to save funds for exchange and take ulcer pills because of the pain! Anyways, i've definitely been up to a lot. My facebook and twitter have most of my updates. I have wayyyy too many for one blog ;) !
A series of stories and journals of the everyday adventures of an ordinary Canadian girl.
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