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My Essay on my views of Caning.

The use of corporal punishment as a method of discipline has been well established throughout
history across many cultures and continents. In recent decades, the use of physical discipline in more
developed countries has diminished in popularity. Consequence and reasoning based methods of
discipline have become more wide spread throughout the more educated world. I believe corporal
punishment is an ineffective method of discipline. Corporal punishment teaches violence,
encourages the use of weapons, diminishes the effect of reasoning as discipline, and can cause physical
and psychological harm.

History has taught us over and over that violence only produces violence. Wars have been
fought, treaties have been written and broken, cities have been destroyed, families have been torn apart,
tears have fallen, blood shed and nothing good has come out of it. Corporal punishment using canes is
like a war. It is a war between an adult and a child, only teaching the child violence, and that
frustration and anger are the way to success, and the only way of resolution. Time after time, I have
seen rages, and anger expressed through corporal punishment at schools, orphanages, and homes. Like
a war, the person punishing wants to make everyone think that they are most powerful and
intimidating, when truly, they are not. In most cases of punishment in the less- developed countries,
caning is used as a disciplinary measure on a normal basis. If one is misbehaving, they do not get
scolded or talked to, but caned. Judicial canings in Kenya were administered in prison and applied to the bare buttocks. The procedure was inherited from British rule, and has continued since then, spreading worldwide. n. However the human rights committee has “recommended to over 120 States in all continents that they should abolish all corporal punishment, including in the home, and develop public education campaigns to promote positive, non-violent discipline in the family, schools and other institutions.” This method of discipline is setting an example to children that physical abuse is “O.K”. Once a little boy or girl see's his/her authority figure “punishing” someone, they may think it is the only solution, or a game of some sort, so that they can grab a stick and hit the other children as well. Not only does corporal punishment set a poor example, but encourages the use of weapons. If they are allowed to use a thick stick to hit someone, why not a metal rod? Why not just use a knife or a gun and call it “punishment”? If you want to control someone, does that mean you are supposed to hit them to control them? It is all the same abuse that can possibly harm, or kill. If an adult is extremely angry with a child, it could go as far as a cane to the head, causing brain damage , or death, resulting in jail. Thirdly, it will become a routine in which a child is used to the abuse, so they will want to use it as a discipline for their children and/or spouse, and so on. If it is not a worry, and corporal punishment is a regular thing, then it is like starting a war, shedding blood and tears, families being torn apart all because of thinking that it is right to harm someone for their wrongs. Whether its a war between nations, or the battle of wills between an authority figure and child, violence cannot resolve conflict. Logically, since violence cannot resolve conflict, corporal punishment is an ineffective method of discipline and rather a torturous act.

Secondly, corporal punishment diminishes the effect of reasoning as a discipline. If you are to
try and reason with a child, and scold them non-physically when a child is used to caning, it is hard for
the child to listen to other reasonable disciplines. Most children would then not take you seriously
because they feel you are not actually disciplining them. From the time a child is 0 to 5 years of age, is
when the child seems to learn the most. If a child is caned at a young age, the child then learns it is
normal” to abuse children, and when he/she is caned so frequently, the child will not think of it as
discipline, but normality, so therefore the lesson is not learned. Perhaps the authority figure wanted to
try other methods of discipline, then the child will not take the authority figure seriously, because they have never really learned what discipline is, but what pain is. As for schools,corporal punishment using a cane has been banned in the education act , but was never enforced. “Corporal punishment in Kenyan schools was originally banned by administrative decree in 1996, but this was never enforced. It was announced in 2000 that the ban was now to be taken seriously. The legal provisions under which caning had been permitted were formally repealed in 2001 “ Yet still the tortuous acts still go on throughout homes and schools. ”Reports in 2002 and 2004 and 2007 made it clear that many schools were ignoring the new law and that CP continued to be applied widely. “ For most children across Eastern Africa, and other countries more in the third world, caning is used to discipline in schools, at home, or even at a police station. There is never a reasonable talk, on what the child has done wrong, and what the right thing to do is, but instead, the cane comes out. A child may learn to cane their children as well, but since his/her authority has caned them, and they have never understood why, or for what, they may just use it for anything. Either way, they are using violence, not teaching what is right or wrong, and this leads to a chain of abusive family. Logically, if reasoning is removed and weapons are encouraged, then corporal punishment is an ineffective method of discipline, and torturous and harmful to any human being.

Finally, corporal punishment using a cane can cause physical and psychological damage to any
human being. Years ago, physical discipline was the preferred method to disciplining a child. Whether
it was in school, or at home, it seemed to be the more popular choice. In the childcare’s act written part
by the parliament in Africa, it states that any physical and psychological harm is not taken and against
the rights and codes in part 2 in pages 586. “Part II therefore makes provisions for the rights of the child including the right to life, privacy, freedom from torture.” However, in recent years, these types of discipline are not permitted in Canada, however, in other parts of the world things are so different. In Canada, you may spank your child, but corporal punishment using a cane, is not permitted one bit. Years have passed, and things have changed on many levels. Most authority figures prefer verbal discipline, (however they must be cautious with the words that they use), a firm talking, a time-out, grounding, or removal of privileges from a child are effective ways of helping a child go down the right path in life. To hit a child thinking you are only disciplining them is not an excuse, it's abuse. All parents want their child to grow up and be a strong, confident, loving, kind, and successful person. They do not want their child to grow up, rob a bank, abuse their spouse and children, or to take advantage of someone using physical violence, and possibly end up in jail. Little things you may teach your child at a younger age may stick with them throughout life. If you abuse your child, there is always that psychological pain they may have, as well as insecurity. “Children feel humiliated and degraded; they become angry and resentful towards those who punish them.” They could also turn into an abuser. Do you want to picture your little 5 year old Allie, as a child abuser? It may be impossible for a child to forget about that day when their father or mother hit them a little too hard and made them bleed, or the day their mother or father hit their hand and broke it, leaving scars and pain. Not only does this method of discipline leave high anger rate and psychological harm, but corporal punishment with canes has left scars on the flesh,because of one person not knowing how strong they really are compared to the thickness of a child's skin. There have been many stories of a teacher, or parent caning their child, but not realizing their force, and harming the child very badly, causing more conflict, and more shed blood. The war is never over , if violence is involved, because violence cannot resolve conflict. Logically, if it causes physical and psychological damage, then corporal punishment is an ineffective method of discipline.

In conclusion, I believe corporal punishment an ineffective method of discipline because it

teaches violence, diminishes the effect of using reasoning based methods as discipline, and can cause

physical and psychological harm. As time goes on, and wars still are being fought, families torn apart,

tears falling, and blood shedding, I believe we can stop the violence. Violence only produces violence,

and violence cannot resolve conflict.


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