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African Adventures, Day 89/90

Day 90:
Satuday , Saturday... Back to business! Which means we have to get supplies for gardening.. etc etc. Today we had to get things for the garden, get some tubing.. etc. I spent the day with my mom though, just cooking and cleaning :) We made some supper, some sweets, and all day in the kitchen!
We spent a bit of time with the kids, but other than that just a casual lady's day.

Day 89:
By now it's Friday and we are back. I woke up this morning and well... did school work! I did this until about 2 and then decided I would eat something! WEOO EXCITING! After eating I went over with the kids and played with them until church. We went into church at around 4 and then after played again with the kids. After awhile we  went back and decided to relax a bit .. (Sort of...)


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