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African Adventures, Day 110 (Thieves, personal space.. I need a break)

Day 110 :
Today was another CRAZYYYY , TIRING day... To start off the day we had this lady who wanted to come pick our mangos. "That's great!!" we THOUGHT.  We just really want to get rid of them.. it causes a huge pain because so many people steal them, villagers, students, kids, EVERYONE!?! We had to watch her closely like.. 24/7 because she was a well... scammer.  We had her packing mangos all day, and we would watch to make sure she didn't take any extra. That took up a lot of the day. We had her finally packed up and we noticed she had an extra bag she had NOT paid for. Oh yay, more hassle along with her whining .. I usually wouldn't be rude, but when someone takes advantage of you time after time (Happens all the time here) You really get ticked off and you feel like they think you're stupid or something. I'm not.  She had originally agreed on a price, and then changed it to very low once she had packed all the mangos and was ready to leave, she had an extra bag, was trying to make everyone do the work for her when SHE is the one who WANTED the mangos in the first place. If  she wasn't going to pay us right and stop trying to steal from us  it would be fine. It would be her loss of us kicking her out. This is the second mango scam we have had and by now we are DONE with this ;) . Dad is just tired since he spent all of yesterday with her and now today, and well mom sometimes does not have the same "CHILL" factor as dad.. let's just put it that way. I had watched the lady take mangos and after when she tried to lie and say she didn't.. I guess she didn't expect me to say anything, but I did! She finally paid, we kicked her out and locked the gate, took back the mangos that she did not pay for and left! We went back to the house for a bit, then back to the garden because we found more holes of where the students are cutting through to steal mangos. We decided we would put barbwire up and thorns on the ground, so we spent some time making a trap and such. After we finished we had to water the garden, and then we had some leftover mangos we needed to give the orphan kids.. So we went over and did so. Mom had an idea of one way to get rid of mangos, and also slow down the people stealing the mangos from the orchard.. SELL THEM TO THE STUDENTS! We grabbed buckets full and headed over, the students enjoyed that so much we kept going back and forth doing so.  We had some of the kids helping us , and we would fill the buckets and bring them over. It was now getting dark and the students have a study time at night because they are boarding students. (Which means they sleep there,eat there,live there until their summer which is December) .. We had permission to bring some mangos to their study area and sell them to kids, and we were doing so, and giving mangos so some of the orphans. MANGOS EVERYWHERE basically. As I had gone back with some of the younger orphan boys to get more mangos we saw some guy run out of my house with a yellow shirt. He was stealing things!!?! I ran inside quickly (Didn't know I could move so fast..lololjk) Got my beating stick and flash-light and ran after the guy. I ran for a bit, but lost him and went back to check what was up.. and look around to see if there was anyone else kind of thing. I shut the door, LOCKED IT, and ran to get my parents. We had locked the gate, and there was a group of guys who had came to help search for the thief.  I had seen it was a guy, and wasn't sure if it was a high-school boy, but when I saw the colour of the shirt I knew... We had them do roll call in the school boy class, and had guys on the search. We were not going to let them steal from us and GET away with it? ..  You need to really learn a lesson, or else usually you end up doing it again. And if this man/guy was to steal from our own home.. he will just keep stealing from others if he does not learn. We plan to try and solve this mystery. It's a scary thought to have someone in your home, going through your personal things, your cupboards, your rooms .........  It's seriously creepy! And we never leave our doors unlocked, and for this person to know when we are gone, and that this time we left it unlocked by accident.. Is even more creepy! I actually feel like I have no private space here, and really I don't. I wake up to whispering in my windows , and everyone knows where I am all the time.. SERIOUSLY, I need some space. So this is why we go away on breaks to Mombasa, or Nairobi now and then, to actually get some personal bubbles ;).
ANYWHO, I had heard my mom scream my name from the garden, and tell me to come fast! They had seen a guy run very fast across our garden and jump the fence. We missed them and they didn't even step on the thorns we had put down!!!!???WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.  We had the guys come back , and apparently they had thought he just stole from the mango farm, not our own home.. So they didn't come as fast . We had to call it a night and lock up, and just get inside and search for missing things. Our mystery continues tomorrow folks... Now every sound I hear from outside I make sure my machete, beating stick, and slingshot are beside my bed. Love this place, but the corruption is horrible. That'll be a totally different blog though.


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