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African Adventures, Day 107/108/109

Day 109:
Well today, actually is not an interesting day for readers... I spent the whole day doing homework, and then since mom's neck was hurting her,spent a bit of time with her. Otherwise, it was schooling.

Day 108:
Today we decided we would go to Voi to pick up the paint to paint the orphanage and school. We got out and got picked up and headed in! We had walked around Voi for some time to get some things and after went for lunch. Once we finished up what we needed we got picked up by  a car and went to go get the paint! As we were on our way, we got a call saying they were out of gas, so we had to travel back and forth looking for the right gas for the house! After sitting in the hot sun waiting we finally got some!! We headed back home and carried the paint to them ! Now we would have fresh looking buildings :) yay!! (You can imagine the dirt.. imagine it orange and everywhere on the old white buildings..) The rest of the day we had to do some mango stuff and sort them and hand them to the kids, then time passed quickly and bedddd!

Day 107:
Today I woke up and well... basically spent all afternoon on homework ! After I finished up I ate and then decided I would bake a cake again as my parents went for a walk.. Wish it was interesting but that's my day :)


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