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African Adventures, Day 104

Day 104:
 WELL ,WELL ,WELL....... Where to start. ;) So I woke up this morning later.. SCORE and soon had  to have to go to the mango orchard to  see the guy who says he is with a big company and wants to pick our mangos and buy some from us.  SO we go out and the guy had already started picking because my dad had talked to him and made a price range. Turns out the guy had given him a card, and was a salesman. Of course, mom with her instincts did not believe this guy was what he sad he was , with their big company and such. So her and I went over to the house with the guys card (which looked extremely beat up) and we looked up this company. It WAS real, but mom wanted to go deeper, she knew something was wrong here. She decided she would call the top guy of the company, and dig in on this guy who was claiming to work for them.. anyways , after a long talk the owner had said that guy had did fraud things under their name and they fired him a year ago. We went outside and kicked them off our shamba  (land, sorry .. used to the name more now)and the guys weren't very happy, but left. (This is after mom threatened them to call the police ;) )  After we kicked them out the guy had called back and aid that actually the guy had NEVER worked for them.. he had no clue who the guy was, but he was doing fraud, and using this fake card to get into places.
Since they had piles of mangos picked, and we did not let them take any.. we went around to all the trees picking them up, carrying them to the house. We got some of the guys from the orphanage/school to come help us get some for the students and kids, and we did that for some time.. back and forth, etc!  We had Dickson come to our house later on saying that the guy had called him a few times telling him that he better stop calling him a conman or else he would call the police on Dickson.. which really, dickson didn't do anything. And we had the fake card, so he could go RIGHT ahead and do that, he would be the one being fined or in jail for fraud ;). Dickson came over to talk to my parents at night .. and said he just turned off his phone. THE FUNNY PART.. the guy actually had the guts to ask my dad for hi fake card back, that he needed it. (Probably to go scam more people).. So our day was MANGOS ,MANGOS.. everywhere! Mangos ,Mangos in our hair. (Or scammers in our hair..)


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