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Day 100 everyone :) !!
Today was  a pretty productive day actually. I woke up early, and did a bit of reading. Mom an I decided we would try and bake some cookies.. so we spent awhile baking some peanut butter cookies..SAY WHAAAATT?! After we baked them up, we decided we would go bring one to Ali, since he is the only orphan not at school during the day. We went over, and he enjoyed it so much that he picked the crumbs off himself and ate them... wow so cute <3 I went back to the house and got some crayons and a book for him to colour in and him and I and my mom coloured. My mom went back to the house and got a book and we read to him. He has progressed so much now he even mocks little sounds. If I meow like a kitty , he will too! SOSO cute :)   After a bit I had to go back for lunch. We went back and ate then decided we would go pick some of the mangos (that were still good but the wind blew off the trees) for the kids. We did that for a bit and then went back to wash them and count them. Once we got back we took some over to the cook for the kids and she would give them out once they got back from school.  Before we really noticed.. the day had passed so quickly! And it was 4 pm and time for church. We went to church and well... since it is Swahili I don't really know what happened haha but it's all good! After church we spent some time with the kids, playing with them and we brought more mangos over.  Time passed quickly and it is now dark and we are in for the night... and I am on a rampage trying to kill cockroaches.. (WHICH ARE SO GROSS AND I DESPISE) Oh the joys of Africa <3


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