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African Adventure ,Day 101

Day 101:
I woke up this morning to a normal morning.. Just the usual. Some mango picking, some school..etc. Around noon we decided we would go down to the village, because well.. I RECEIVED A PACKAGE FROM MHS :D Thanks guys :) We decided that we would take little Alli (5 year old malnourished little boy.. looks like 1 1/2 years maybe) down with us, so after he had gotten dressed, we brought him with us. We walked down and got the package, (which ended up costing 50$ ) and then as dad went back, he had  the package and we took alli to look in the market area for little shoes for him.  (Hi feet are soso tiny that we could not find any)  After we finished up we went back with alli, dropped him off and went to go to our gate and- it was locked.. we then had to go around to the main gate, and well..that was locked too! Adventure time! Now since no one was looking.. I decided I would climb the gate and get the keys from my dad. Seeing a this isn't an easy thing with a long skirt, I made sure no one was around just incase I ..well you know.  A I reached the top  heard a -rip! Great.... I was thinking my skirt ripped, and with great luck it didn't! YAY! Just got caught a bit.As I tried to get myself down however I had apparently caught some flesh somewhere and cuts my hands up, but I got over! I walked down the path to the house to go get my dad, seeing as he forgot we were locked out of everywhere ;) and we went back for my mom. After the adventure we decided we would open up the package. We got all the toothbrushes, counted them, took the toothpaste out of the package to that the kids would not leave rubbish everywhere's outside, and sorted them all. Once we finished that we went over to play with Alli again, and  we brought him to the house to pick out a stuffed animal (Out of ones donated) . Since they are not used to the stuffed animals or toys he was curious, yet a little timid! But he was giggling, and squealing with joy! SOSO cute <3  If I picked him up he would make a little noise , he is really progressing! After  a bit we headed back next door and went to play with the other kids as they were returning from school. We played with them, and around supper time we headed back for the night!


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