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Showing posts from September, 2013

"The minute you think of giving up, think about why you have held on for so long." - Suicide Awareness Day

"The minute you think of giving up, think about why you have held on for so long." It's suicide awareness day! For all of you who have lost a loved one, my deepest sympathies are with you, and for those who have tried to commit suicide, i'm  so truly happy you're alive.  In a world full of people with busy lives, it's hard to possibly believe someone's life has been taken.. by their own hands.. but half of the time we do not even hear of it. It's hard to believe that someone could think of themselves so negatively and think that there is no other option but to disappear. No one on this earth that was or is... or is to be.. deserves THAT. No one.   There's so many people who suffer from depression around the world, so many people who have had thoughts like "No one cares, I might as well be gone." And that my dear, is completely wrong. What I have taken from friends, and people from school/ in my area who have committed suicide is that

Italian Adventures, Day 6

Italian Adventures, Day 6: Wow! Almost a week already :) Not a very busy day today , relaxing until I start arts school on Friday. I woke up later in the day to make some Italian roasted coffee, then watched some crime show (ACTUALLY IN ENGLISH) and waited for my host father to get home. Once he arrived home we had to go out and apply for my residence card so I don't like get deported home hahaha. Otherwise, the adventures are mellow for now.. ;) Until then, my thoughts ramble on in my blog so beware readers, my mind is quite funky.

Be real.

Everyday, thousands of children, teenagers, men, women, and even elderly try to become this thing that is impossible, yet has taken over our minds. A thing that is defined by humanity, but can never actually be obtained. Something that causes many people to actually take their own life. Perfection. We live in communities where people feel endless amounts of pressure to always appear perfectly happy, perfectly functional, and perfectly figured.  Humanity strives for this thing we call ' Perfect'.  (Google definition)  Per-fect Adjective: "Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. Flawless." Verb: "Make (something) completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible.   " What is not realized, is that this thing we call "Perfection" is NOT EVEN REAL. As we go on with our daily lives, we look around and see happy people, smiling f
La Sardegna e bellissimaaaa <3

Italian Adventures, Day 2, 3,4, &,5.

Italian Adventures, Day 2: Wanna hear day two? Funny story... I was very jet lagged and slept until 4 pm. OOPS. Hahahaha, guess that is what happens after over 24 hours without sleeping and traveling on planes.  After 4, we decided we would go out into the city for a bit and walk :). Italian Adventures, Day 3: As I woke up in the morning, my host parents were away at work, so it was more of a lazy day. I e-mailed back home, and as soon as my host mother arrived home we decided we would go into the city, walk around and look at the beautiful old churches, and we ended the day with some Gelato!  Italian Adventures, Day 4: The most memorable day by far. We started out the day with a bit of relaxing, which was nice since I could catch up to myself because I hadn't been sleeping during the nights due to nightmares and uncomfortable beds and blah. Mid-afternoon my host parents and I decided we would take a road trip to the beach. The mediterranean sea!!! We took the car out, an

Italian Adventures, Day 1-

Italian Adventures, Day 1: Leaving my family was not as hard as before.. hahaha, Africa helped. But also.. I asked for a quick and short good-bye because well,       I hate crying.  Leaving my friends and loved ones.. Sucks, but I was off to a fresh start. My plane was to leave at 11:55 AM. I would get on at 11:20 however, and we would prepare to take off. This was it. The day I had been waiting for, for so long. Alone in airports, not fun.. but quite the thing! I had my red Canadian rotary jacket on, went through security easily because of it ,  and was ready to go. My heart was honestly beating so hard as I awaited my destined plane.    As it pulled in , I heard my number, and we were off. The first flight was short. I had a random man farting a lot next to me .. but it was good. I landed in Montreal  and had 5 hours to kill before my next flight. I walked around, met some friendly elderly people (SO CUTE)  and tried to kill time. It finally kicked in.. " I will not see Canad

If moving abroad were easy, everyone would be doing it, right?

  If moving abroad were  easy , everyone would be doing it, right?  What makes people think that going abroad is equal to a young woman searching for love, and what makes people think that just because a young lady wants to travel, she is seeking something in particular? I just want to find who I am , grow into myself.  When I lived in Africa, that was honestly the most life changing experience ever.  I grew so much, learnt so much. Nothing could compare. Leaving a life behind, people you love, you know.. it isn't easy but if you don't take a chance and say yes, when will that opportunity come up again? What I have realized is that it  seems that we forget all about having FUN in life. Many students are off at Uni/College, others already sinking themselves deeply into work. People move on to having families, marrying.. and that's all great stuff, but I figured i'd open a new world of experiences, adventures, and most of all.. fun. As people grow up, we sometimes

New beginnings.

"Find a job you'll enjoy and be happy with in life!" They say...  ** You consider a couple different options and find something you're interested in..** "Well that won't make good money." They say.. "Find a job you'll enjoy and be happy with in life!" They say...  ** You consider a couple of different options and find something you're interested in..** "Well that won't make good money." They say..             In my opinion,  I would much rather do something I enjoy and love rather than having a bunch of money and work a job that I hate.. because the best things in life are not bought with money. The best things in life are not things, and if you want to  do something really bad, then do it.. because those who love and care for you will want what is best for you and what makes you the happiest. If you have to go through a few different things to find what you enjoy the most, then do it.  I'd rather hav