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Showing posts from April, 2012

Hmm.. Not always a safari

I can't  understand. The kids in the orphanage are the sweetest,yet, they are actually treated like animals. Animals hauling the grass everywhere, cutting down fire wood for the cook, cleaning for the cook, having to go into people`s house to clean everything for them, cook for them, build brick walls, do this, do that. It`s so wrong. But do I have a say?   Things are everything opposite of what you can think of where I was. Pick your nose, and go shake your neighbors hand, if you don't listen to your husband and "Be a good wife" you'll be beaten, if you don't listen to your authority , out comes the cane  and you'll be beaten. Want to go help that screaming woman during the night that is being beaten? You'll probably be beaten too, or killed. Want to go outside at night and play? Nah, you'll probably be robbed and .. you guessed it.. beaten. Rape, abuse, caning, work like a slave, riots, murder, etc.. Yeah, what else can I say. It's hard to ex...

Good-bye's, "WHAT, I'll never forget you?!"

Wow. I can't believe i'm gone. It's such a difference to go  from complete poverty, to THIS.  I am so thankful for my life, AND EVERYTHING I HAVE ! Our last days with the kids was so sad. It was really hard to explain to the younger kids, that after all this time.. we are leaving them, we have to go back. They stood there in a daze, some glazed over with sadness, others, still not processing.. We had to walk away because it as getting too hard. We had spent so much time with the younger kids, and then we just have to leave them, it's heart breaking! The older kids had to leave early in the morning, so we said good-bye that night, and they understood, but it was just so hard. They said to us "Don't forget us" HOW COULD I FORGET THE CHILDREN THAT CHANGED MY LIFE? Never! We said our good-byes to all the high-school students the next morning and the younger kids, and even little Alli.. Not really understanding, but knowing we were going.. brought sadness. He...

African Adventures,Day 131-187.... Missed so many days

Day 131-187: WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL I haven't written in over a month or two or more.. And that is because I have been told (Not by my parents) that I should not write anything negative, and well that has  been difficult. We've been through so many things that I cannot explain, so many things that it would be hard for many people to understand what happens. I have been SO busy, seeing as well .. I am now heading home. Here is a recap of the past time , and what I have done, and what has happened.. My final thoughts, etc ,etc. This may or may not be in  order.. The soccer game went well, although not many people showed up because of schooling and such. The next week we had to take a break, things were getting to weird and hard.. so we went to the game lodge and saw so many animals, and elephants. The elephants would come so close to the water hole, and  all the animals. The elephants would go by this under ground tunnel where you could stand, and rub on it to scratch t...