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When we most literally feel our heart hurting, only then do we understand the meaning of true heartache. Nearing 1 year.

It's been nearly a year since my life was turned upside down.  I can't begin to express the amount of pain, heartache, tears, and trauma I have been left with... I can't count on two hands the amount of times my eyes have been so swollen that I can barely open them because of the actual heartache this year has caused. It's strange, because we say the word heartache, but when we most literally feel our heart hurting, only then do we understand the meaning of it.              Nevertheless, as awful as 2017 has been, I wouldn’t have changed much. I mean, I most definitely wouldn't have wished pain or passing upon anyone, but it has taught me a great lesson about life.  Ah... Life.           (The last time I posted, I wrote about how I was going to continue blogging, but that was before chaos hit my life, even more. To be honest, I am not sure where to even begin with this post as it's ...
Recent posts

Flawed and Unpolished: My newest adventures.

Well, here I am.. Over 2 years later and I am left with unfinished posts and drafted stories. There have been so many times since my last post in 2014 that I have wondered why I never kept up with my blogging.  Like Africa, life in Italy was full of funny, beautiful, and emotional adventures. I lived in a small city where everyone knew everyone else, and we passed the time by hanging out with the locals in the town centre where we grabbed Coronas at the  bars and ate crisps. After Italy, I moved back home to Canada to Fredericton for University where I spent my first year with one of my best friends that I met while in Italy, then I went on to face the next few years of university with new roommates and new people coming and going in and out my life.  I went through a lot of new transitions throughout the past few years that I never really thought were "important enough" to write about. A few years in University passed by and in January 2015 I met the love ...
My view on my way back from Italy!

What is a good if all we see is happiness?

If there were no challenges, there would be no struggles.. and without struggles it  would be hard to distinguish what your  gains are and when you are doing better, and what isn't a struggle, and when you aren't going up the big hill. Although we find that we may be in the worst area we shouldn't be the ones to knock ourselves down and beat ourselves up, which many of us do. A life worth living is one that is full of happiness, but getting there is never easy. Pain, grief, depression, anxiety, anything brings us down some(Or most) days.. yet on top of that we seem to blame ourselves for finding that we are in that area of life. That somehow this becomes our fault, or many people blame God. God would never hurt you. It is found that being grateful when you are in a tough spot, or even thankfulness is hard to attain when you just feel like maybe sometimes you are drowning in the sadness that surrounds you. But what good would it do to give up? Not a thing. But what good woul...

Post- Italy/Work/Business

So for those of you who follow my blog, I apologize for I didn't and haven't written in a very long while. I guess I have been waiting for the moment to do so. As a sum up of my year in Italy: It was crazy, amazing, depressing, and full of adventures. It was a lonely year where I learnt to do things on my own and rely only on my faith, close friends, and myself. I spent days in my room upset because of the loneliness, and I spent amazing days with friends. It was a year full of craziness and stories for days. I had gone mushroom picking, snorkeling, to the beach, with friends day after day at the 'bars' aka cafe's, and I spent a lot of time getting to know my new families there. I learnt to love a small city (Although it can be hard) and I learnt to love Sardinia (Where I was).. I spent many days alone trying to get used to the new life. But after time I made many friends and a very good friend who ended up coming back to Canada with me! Overall, it was an amazing a...