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Showing posts from November, 2012

I'll need patience for the patients of High School.

Looking back on accomplishments.. and I really don't have any regrets except that I wish I could speak Swahili and explain to the children why I had to leave them. We're so fortunate, yet we live in a world full of CRAPPY stuff. People treat each other so badly, and sometimes it's really hard to relate to any friends because we've lived two completely different lives, and whenever I speak of an experience with Africa I usually get the weirdest looks. I miss the kids so much it hurts. I spent everyday with them, and to leave them out in the cold with who knows what and no "Mama Chelsey" there, was super hard. I wish that I didn't have it so good, but then again.. I am so thankful for everything now. It just feels really unfair when I look at things from a different perspective. High School kids are partiers who seek sex and alcohol, they all say. Honestly, I could care less. I don't relate to any of that and nor do I seek it. I'd rather have a memor...

My life

I can't say that i'm perfect or haven't had my downs in life where I just want to give up and let go, because I have. Life isn't just worthless, it has meaning and every person in it does. That's what some don't realize. We all mean something, we all go through the similar experiences, yet still we go at each other like cats. We're all human, we all have a voice and heart that is beating, and we all put ourselves down feeling lousy some days. But we should never give up this fight. ♥ I'm always going to think back to the days of an orphan child in my arms and listening to their heart beat, because I know the meaning of how special a life truly is.
New dinosaur onesies... Yeh, I am pumped.

Rotary Youth Exchange... YES

      So, I know it's been FOREVER since I have last posted. I've been home for awhile now, and i'm part way through my graduation year! I'm still not used to this life of luxury but, hey... I don't think i'll ever be. Africa changed me!  I can't ever stop thinking about how the kids are doing. I got home from Africa and ran for student council, got voted in and I am in charge of fundraising for the school, community, and for any causes worldwide.. etc. I am in cheerleading once again and have started back up the music. No more wrestling though :( Too much to do! (We used to practice everyday) However, It seems that I made an impact on the school and they want to do a project every year called the 'Murray Project' and they will fundraise for an organization in Africa :) (To the ones I believe are actually LEGIT) I am on like 4-5 committees within the school, one of which is my own, and the other I am a leader in. Plus I am doing volunteer work outsid...