Looking back on accomplishments.. and I really don't have any regrets except that I wish I could speak Swahili and explain to the children why I had to leave them. We're so fortunate, yet we live in a world full of CRAPPY stuff. People treat each other so badly, and sometimes it's really hard to relate to any friends because we've lived two completely different lives, and whenever I speak of an experience with Africa I usually get the weirdest looks. I miss the kids so much it hurts. I spent everyday with them, and to leave them out in the cold with who knows what and no "Mama Chelsey" there, was super hard. I wish that I didn't have it so good, but then again.. I am so thankful for everything now. It just feels really unfair when I look at things from a different perspective. High School kids are partiers who seek sex and alcohol, they all say. Honestly, I could care less. I don't relate to any of that and nor do I seek it. I'd rather have a memor...
A series of stories and journals of the everyday adventures of an ordinary Canadian girl.