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Showing posts from May, 2012

My Essay on my views of Caning.

The use of corporal punishment as a method of discipline has been well established throughout history across many cultures and continents. In recent decades, the use of physical discipline in more developed countries has diminished in popularity. Consequence and reasoning based methods of discipline have become more wide spread throughout the more educated world. I believe corporal punishment is an ineffective method of discipline. Corporal punishment teaches violence, encourages the use of weapons, diminishes the effect of reasoning as discipline, and can cause physical and psychological harm. History has taught us over and over that violence only produces violence. Wars have been fought, treaties have been written and broken, cities have been destroyed, families have been torn apart, tears have fallen, blood shed and nothing good has come out of it. Corporal punishment using canes is like a war. It is a war between an adult and a child, only tea